Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability in phpBB2's [IMG] tag and remote avatar

From: Martijn Boerwinkel (ximat_private)
Date: Sun May 26 2002 - 08:59:33 PDT

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    phpBB2 Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability 
    Affected Program: phpBB2 version 2.0.0 
      (possibly earlier versions too, but not tested) 
    Vendor Status: informed on 24/04/2002, fixed issued on 20/05/2002 
    Discovery Date: 24/04/2002 
    Release Date: 26/05/2002 
    Vulnerability Class: Cross Site Scripting 
    Malicious users can steal other user's and admin's cookies, allowing
    them to impersonate other users on the board and access to the
    administration panel. 
    The problem is very similar to SQL injection. 
    phpBB2 uses a user provided string (through the [IMG] tag) 
    in the following HTML tag: 
    <img src="$user_provided" border="0" /> 
    While there is a check to force the string to begin with "http://" it
    doesn't disallow ". That means a malicious user can escape the src="" in
    the HTML tag and insert his own html code. 
    This same problem also exists in the remote avatar part of the user
    Enter the following anywhere in a message: 
    When reading that message it should popup an alert box with your
    * Upgrade to 2.0.1 
    (#icerealm on 

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