XSS in Slashcode

From: gcsb (gcsbnzat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 02 2002 - 01:56:26 PDT

  • Next message: Nelson Brito: "RE: ftp.bitchx.org's ircii-pana-1.0c19.tar.gz is backdoored"

    There is a nasty Cross Site Scripting(XSS) vuln in
    Slashcode. This was used a day or so go on
    slashdot.org and resulted in most of the site being
    taken down for an hour or so. The maintainers of
    slashcode have patched the problem in CVS but have not
    even mentioned it anywhere that I can find. This
    leaves all sites using slash vulnerable to this
    An example exploit (incomplete) is as follows:
    <p &gt; onMouseOver..insert javascript here...>
    I am dissapointed that the slachcode maintainers have
    silently fixed this on slashdot.org yet made no
    mention of the problem elsewhere so that other sites
    can patch themselves. No wonder there are so many
    "trolls" on slashdot.org...ah well.
    If you run a site using slashcode, get the latest CVS.
    That is all. Move along. 
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