BIND 9.2.1 patch, multiple RR's for singleton types.

From: Tim Gladding (timat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 01 2002 - 21:33:44 PDT

  • Next message: by way of bugtest: "Re: Remote DoS in AnlaogX SimpleServer:www 1.16"

    With the release of the libbind buffer overflow a number of people have
    suggested loading a copy of BIND locally and pointing your local resolver
    at just that name server, providing a sanity check of all incoming DNS
    traffic.  For the most part this will work, however, for it to work
    effectively you must be using BIND 9.x because BIND 8.x does not
    reconstruct all responses before forwarding them on.
    For more information on the libbind buffer overflow bug please see:
    However, your situation may preclude you from running BIND 9 either locally
    or at the site level.  One such situation would be that you are already
    running BIND 8 and you have zones loaded that will not load in to BIND 9
    because they have multiple resource records assigned to one singleton data
    type.  For example, an A record pointing to a list of CNAMES:
    	fuzzy	IN	CNAME
    		IN	CNAME
    Normally BIND 9 would reject this as part of a zone.
    To overcome this particular problem I have produced the attached patch(1)
    to BIND 9.2.1 which, when applied, will again allow you to use multiple
    CNAMEs etc. on one RR.  This patch is the equivalent of the 'multiple-cnames
    yes;' option in bind 8.x.
    WARNING!!  Although I am running this patch in a production environment
    I cannot guarantee that this patch will work for you.  Please be sure to
    double check the functionality of this patch before employing it in any
    Tim Gladding

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