nn remote format string vulnerability

From: zillion (zillionat_private)
Date: Thu Jul 04 2002 - 02:48:27 PDT

  • Next message: Mandrake Linux Security Team: "MDKSA-2002:041 - kernel 2.2 and 2.4 updates"

                   Safemode.org security advisory: nn
    Package:  nn
    Version:  6.6.3 or prior
    Date:     28/06/2002
    Issue:    Remote format string
    Risk:     High
    Credits:  zillion[at]safemode.org
    The Unix newsreader nn is a popular command-line utility that can
    be used to access NNTP servers. Unfortunately this news client
    insecurely uses server input in a format string to print error
    messages on the clients terminal.
    The impact:
    Malicious server owners can use this vulnerability to execute code
    on systems that are connected with affected clients.
    Technical details:
    A server response such as this can be used to trigger this issue:
    100 AAAABBBB%10\$x%11\$x
    If such a response is received,  the nn client will display the
    100 AAAABBBB4141414142424242
    The problem is that the following function is being called with
    nn_exitmsg(1, line) in the nntp.c file
    void nn_exitmsg(int n, char *fmt,...)
        va_list     ap;
        va_start(ap, fmt);
        vprintf(fmt, ap);
    The fix information:
    The developer fixed this vulnerability in NN version 6.6.4, which can
    be downloaded from here:
    Additionally, this vulnerability was fixed some time ago in the
    FreeBSD ports collection (around June 18).
    All @snosoft.com

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