MacOS X SoftwareUpdate Vulnerability

From: Russell Harding (hardingrat_private)
Date: Sat Jul 06 2002 - 21:21:24 PDT

  • Next message: Adam Slattery: "sparc exploit for known solaris 8 kcms_configure overflow"

                        MacOS X SoftwareUpdate Vulnerability.
    Date:      July 6, 2002
    Version:   MacOS 10.1.X and possibly 10.0.X
    Problem:   MacOS X SoftwareUpdate connects to the SoftwareUpdate Server via
               HTTP with no authentication, leaving it vulnerable to attack.
    Mac OS X includes a software updating mechanism "SoftwareUpdate". Software
    update, when configured by default, checks weekly for new updates from
    Apple.  HTTP is used with absolutely no authentication. Using well known
    techniques, such as DNS Spoofing, or DNS Cache Poisoning it is trivial to
    trick a user into installing a malicious program posing as an update from
    Apple frequently releases updates, which are all installed as root.
    Exploiting this vulnerability can lead to root compromise on affected
    systems. These are known to include Mac OS 10.1.X and possibly 10.0.X.
    There is currently no patch available. Hopefully the release of this
    information will convince apple they need, at the very least, some basic
    authentication in SoftwareUpdate.
    An exploit for this vulnerability has been released to the public for
    testing purposes.  It is distributed as a Mac OS X package which includes
    DNS and ARP spoofing software. Also, it includes the cgi scripts, and
    apache configuration files required to impersonate the Apple
    Author  -  Russell Harding - hardingrat_private
    Testing -  Spectre Phlux, KrazyC, Devon, and The Wench

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