Cisco VPN3000 gateway MTU overflow

From: porte10at_private
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 17:12:39 PDT

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    Cisco VPN3000 gateway MTU overflow
    Bug class: Conceptual/bad protocol implementation
    Equipments affected: Cisco/VPN 3000 Concentrator with
      software vpn3000-3.5.Rel-k9.bin
      The Cisco VPN3000 gateway lets remote client dictate
      which maximum MTU to use when sending back ESP
      frames, regardless of the transmitting capabilities
      of the physical medium.
    * Oversized frames get silently discarded by
      equipements linked to the gateway's public
      interface and retransmissions occur.
    * Other disturbances or DoS against neighboring
      equipements may occur, especially as many IP
      stacks on routers and sniffers etc ... are
      poorly implemented.
      We have witnessed this phenomena after establishing
      tunnels with the "VPN dialer" over a modem
      connexion: when the target sends back ethernet
      frames with size close to the max ethernet MTU
      (1500), the gateway encrypts the frames adding
      ESP headers and stupidly tries to send a
      1580-bytes frame back to the client.
    -> From the official documentation there is no way
    to enforce a maximum MTU on the VPN gateway.
    -> Hence: a gateway software patch by Cisco is
    necessary: if MTU negociation occurs, the gateway
    should set a max-MTU threshold (the physical medium's !).
    * client side: For Windows-based OS (likely Unix and
      Linux-based OS too), Cisco released a tool
      called setMTU.exe that can prevent ill MTU
      negociation from happening.
    * target side: artificially lowering the max MTU
      on the interfaces.
    ->  But such a policy is not acceptable:
      The VPN client, as well as remote targets,
      should not have to be aware of
      the gateway's interface configuration !
        The bug does not lie in client software, but
      in the gateway's software.
    Master Phi
    Today's statement:
    Networking software robustness isn't worth the tenth
    of that of arcade game engines.
    Let's call it junk software.

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