Administrivia: Symantec acquiring SecurityFocus

From: aleph1at_private
Date: Wed Jul 17 2002 - 14:27:54 PDT

  • Next message: qitest1: "wwwoffle-2.7b and prior segfaults with negative Content-Length value"

    Good day,
    Today, SecurityFocus and Symantec announced that Symantec is acquiring
    SecurityFocus. Symantec sees real value in the services SecurityFocus
    provides to its customers and believes they are an excellent fit with
    their current offerings. We at SecurityFocus see this as an opportunity to
    provide even better services for the security community.
    Symantec recognizes the value and uniqueness of the public services
    SecurityFocus provides to the community, such as the numerous mailing
    lists we host and the content we provide via the SecurityFocus Online web
    In particular, Symantec and SecurityFocus want to ease any fears as to
    whether the character of this mailing list will change.
    Frequently Asked Questions:
    Q. What is the Symantec strategy for keeping data sources?
    A. We believe it is critical to maintain the integrity of the existing
       security community currently part of the SecurityFocus portal and
       Bugtraq mailing list.
    Q. What is Symantec's disclosure policy?
    A. Symantec believes in responsible vulnerability disclosure and is active
       in initiatives to set best practices in this area. Our first priority
       is to help our customers protect their computing assets by providing
       tools and information to safeguard their systems.
       We will work with vendors, if we discover vulnerabilities in other
       products, to report and investigate the issue in a thorough and timely
       fashion, in the same way that Symantec will work with other security
       researchers if they find an issue with any Symantec technology.
       We observe a 30-day grace period after the notification of a security
       advisory to give users an opportunity to apply the patch. During this
       grace period, we provide our customers significant information about
       the vulnerability and the fix, but not step-by-step instructions for
       exploiting the vulnerability. We do not provide detailed exploit code
       or provide samples of malicious code except to other trusted security
       researchers and in a secured manner.
    Q. Will Symantec change SecurityFocus' vulnerability reporting policy?
    A. We believe that in order for the SecurityFocus/Bugtraq community to be
       effective, it must be an independent entity. We believe that its
       current disclosure policy is appropriate for the venue. Symantec will
       continue to operate with its separate disclosure policy.
    Elias Levy, David Ahmad,
    and the rest of the SecurityFocus staff

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