RE: 26 June 2002 Cumulative Patch for Windows Media Player (Q320920)

From: Coffin, Chris (ccoffinat_private)
Date: Fri Jul 26 2002 - 09:58:15 PDT

  • Next message: Bill Timmins: "[Full-Disclosure] Re: REFRESH: EUDORA MAIL 5.1.1"

    Yes i am seeing something similar on a Windows XP system.
    Patch had already been applied to the system but windows 
    update notification prompted for the update again 
    recently. Before applying the patch a second time, 
    I checked the four files associated with the update 
    found here:
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Windows Media Player\wm320920\FileList
    The four files were present and matched what was in 
    the registry FileList as far as version numbers go. 
    Since the registry key and the files were already 
    updated and i was being asked to patch once again, 
    it would seem that there is a problem with the 
    microsoft windows update catalog regarding this patch, 
    though i haven't looked into this any further.
    Another issue (could be related) noticed with this 
    patch is that it does not update the dllcache with the 
    new files installed by the patch. For those of you not 
    familiar with the purpose of the dllcache directory, it 
    is the Windows File Protection file store. If a WFP 
    protected file (many files within the systemroot dir are 
    monitored by WFP) is deleted, renamed, corrupted, or 
    whatever... WFP will take the copy it has within the 
    dllcache (if it exists) and replace the broken or 
    missing file automatically without ever prompting the 
    user. A stroll through some of the other patch FileLists 
    and you'll notice that most all of them will update the 
    Since the patched media player files are not installed 
    into the dllcache directory, it's entirely possible 
    that these files could get reverted at some point. I 
    found an archived ntbugtraq post
    that mentions a similar issue with an earlier media 
    player patch. The issue pointed out in the ntbugtraq 
    post is really the same issue. What is occuring 
    is that the earlier media player patch did not 
    update the dllcache dir, and after running the System 
    File Checker utility he noticed that the one of the 
    patched files had been reverted to an earlier version.
    So for those of you out there that are using the SFC
    utility, you may want to look at your media player 
    file versions and make sure they are the latest.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Szulc Roger [mailto:roger_szulcat_private]
    Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 1:18 PM
    To: bugtraqat_private
    Subject: 26 June 2002 Cumulative Patch for Windows Media Player
    This update does not complete if you download it and
    try it manually or even if you use the windowsupdate
    site. It still shows up as an update that needs to be
    installed. I have even tried to uninstall media player
    7.1 and reinstall, then apply the patch and it does
    not work. This testing was done on 3 Windows 2000
    machines and all with the same results.
    Roger Szulc
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