NetBSD Security Advisory 2002-012: buffer overrun in setlocale

From: NetBSD Security Officer (security-officerat_private)
Date: Mon Sep 16 2002 - 19:27:55 PDT

  • Next message: NetBSD Security Officer: "NetBSD Security Advisory 2002-011: Sun RPC XDR decoder contains buffer overflow"

    		 NetBSD Security Advisory 2002-012
    Topic:		buffer overrun in setlocale
    Severity:	local root exploit if X11 (xterm) is installed.
    Version:	NetBSD-current:	source prior to August 8, 2002
    		NetBSD-1.6 beta:source prior to August 8, 2002
    		NetBSD-1.5.3:	affected
    		NetBSD-1.5.2:	affected
    		NetBSD-1.5.1:	affected
    		NetBSD-1.5:	affected
    		NetBSD-1.4.*:	affected
    		All prior NetBSD releases.
    Fixed:		NetBSD-current:		August 8, 2002
    		NetBSD-1.6 branch:	August 8, 2002 (1.6 includes the fix)
    		NetBSD-1.5 branch:	September 5, 2002
    		NetBSD-1.4 branch:	not yet
    There was a boundary checking bug of array suffix in setlocale()
    function in libc.  If the setlocale() function is used with arguments
    satisfying a specific condition (see below), there is a possibility
    that this could be exploitable.  This condition is as the following:
    1. setlocale() function is called for LC_ALL category and
    2. The string pointed to by the second argument of setlocale contains
       over six elements separated by slash.  An example of string causing
       this problem to setlocale() is "C/C/C/C/C/C/C".  (note that the
       frequently used special form, setlocale(LC_ALL, ""), does not cause
       this problem, since the code having this problem is never executed
       in this case.)
    3. To use this bug to exploit, the second argument of setlocale needs
       to be derived from user-given data (e.g. environment variables or
       command line arguments) and the program need to be setuid or
       need to be involved in some setuid program or daemon.
    Most programs using Xt, including xterm (setuid program), may satisfy
    this condition.  All other programs in NetBSD distribution except for
    packages do not satisfy it.  In packages, zsh is one of the most
    important program that may satisfy this condition.
    Technical Details
    The setlocale (or its subcontractor, __setlocale) function, defined in
    lib/libc/locale/setlocale.c, is used to change the locale of each
    locale category.  setlocale() function switches the locale of the
    category specified by the first argument to the second argument.  The
    special category LC_ALL can be used to change all locale categories at
    the same time.  In this case, the NetBSD implementation of setlocale
    allows a special form of the second argument string to specify
    individual locales per category.
    In this form, each locale is given in a single string separated by
    slashes ('/'), as "A/B/C/D/E/F".  Here, each element corresponds to
    LC_MESSAGES, respectively.  The setlocale() function attempts to
    decomposit these elements into an array object named new_categories
    locally defined in lib/libc/locale/setlocale.c.  However, the code to
    check the array boundary was lacking and thus this decomposition code
    could destroy data segment if a string having over six elements was
    If the program which has set[ug]id bit or which is called from
    set[ug]id program calls setlocale() with LC_ALL as the first argument
    and with the string derived from user-given data
    (e.g. setlocale(LC_ALL, getenv("FOO")) ) as the second argument, then
    such program could be exploitable.  DefaultLanguageProc function of X
    Toolkit Intrinsics (Xt) is a example of such usage. DefaultLanguageProc 
    calls setlocale as "setlocale(LC_ALL, xnl)".  Here, xnl variable is
    null string ("") by default, but can be overriden by user via
    - -xnllanguage option.  Most Xt programs, including xterm, use this
    language procedure.  xterm is a setuid root program and thus any local
    user could illegally acquire root account by using this problem.
    On the other hand, the frequently used special form,
    setlocale(LC_ALL, ""), does not have this problem because the decomposition
    code is never executed in this form, although user-given LC_ALL environment
    variable is similarly referred.
    Solutions and Workarounds
    The recent NetBSD 1.6 release is not vulnerable to this issue. A full
    upgrade to NetBSD 1.6 is the recommended resolution for all users able
    to do so. Many security-related improvements have been made, and
    indeed this release has been delayed several times in order to include
    fixes for a number of recent issues.
    Otherwise, you must update libc.  Also, you must update all statically
    linked binaries satisfying the condition above - although the NetBSD
    distribution contains no such static binaries, you may have some from
    pkgsrc packages or local programs.  The following instructions
    describe how to update libc.
    * NetBSD-current:
    	Systems running NetBSD-current dated from before 2002-08-08
    	should be upgraded to NetBSD-current dated 2002-08-08 or later.
    	The following directories need to be updated from the
    	netbsd-current CVS branch (aka HEAD):
    	To update from CVS, re-build, and re-install libc:
    		# cd src
    		# cvs update -d -P lib/libc/locale
    		# cd lib/libc
    		# make cleandir dependall
    		# make install
    * NetBSD 1.6 betas:
    	Systems running NetBSD 1.6 BETAs and Release Candidates should
    	be upgraded to the NetBSD 1.6 release.
    	If a source-based point upgrade is required, sources from the
    	NetBSD 1.6 branch dated 2002-08-08 or later should be used.
    	The following directories need to be updated from the
    	netbsd-1-6 CVS branch:
    	To update from CVS, re-build, and re-install libc:
    		# cd src
    		# cvs update -d -P -r netbsd-1-6 lib/libc/locale
    		# cd lib/libc
    		# make cleandir dependall
    		# make install
    * NetBSD 1.5.x:
    	Systems running NetBSD 1.5 betas dated from before 2002-09-05
    	should be upgraded to NetBSD 1.5 tree dated 2002-09-05 or later.
    	The following directories need to be updated from the
    	netbsd-1-5 CVS branch:
    	To update from CVS, re-build, and re-install libc:
    		# cd src
    		# cvs update -d -P -r netbsd-1-5 lib/libc/locale
    		# cd lib/libc
    		# make cleandir dependall
    		# make install
    * NetBSD 1.4.x:
    	not yet
    Thanks To
    Andrey A. Chernov for initial fix in FreeBSD source.
    Takuya SHIOZAKI for preparing the initial advisory text.
    The NetBSD Release Engineering teams, for great patience and
    assistance in dealing with repeated security issues discovered
    Revision History
    	2002-09-16	Initial release
    More Information
    An up-to-date PGP signed copy of this release will be maintained at
    Information about NetBSD and NetBSD security can be found at
    http://www.NetBSD.ORG/ and http://www.NetBSD.ORG/Security/.
    Copyright 2002, The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
    $NetBSD: NetBSD-SA2002-012.txt,v 1.11 2002/09/16 05:17:55 dan Exp $
    Version: 2.6.3ia
    Charset: noconv
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

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