[Full-Disclosure] Slapper worm redux;

From: Ron DuFresne (dufresneat_private)
Date: Tue Sep 24 2002 - 06:53:37 PDT

  • Next message: dasat_private: "Xoops RC3 script injection vulnerability"

    Those folks relying upon security through obscurity might well wish to get
    on the ball and fully patch-up;
    September 23 VNUNET.COM.
    A suspect has been arrested on suspicion of authoring the Slapper worm.
    But although the threat of the worm seems to have been short-lived, a new
    variant is already set to take up where its predecessor left off. Although
    the ISC's 'most attacked ports' chart no longer features Slapper in its
    Top 10 a variant, Slapper.B, has been spotted in the wild. Slapper.B has
    several subtle differences, but is for the most part an updated version of
    its predecessor. Both worms attempt to exploit a known vulnerability in
    the Secure Sockets Layer 2.0 (SSLv2) handshake process. The two variants
    also carry the same payload, a password-protected backdoor and denial of
    service (DoS) capabilities. ISS's Morgan said that with the new variant on
    the loose his company had calculated that about 10,000 servers were
    probably now infected, and that the network was probably going to be used
    for DoS attacks. He added that it was unlikely the original author created
    the second worm. "It was significant that source code for the original
    Slapper was distributed within the computer underground immediately after
    the worm was detected in the wild," he said. Source:
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