[VulnWatch] Re: Hacking Citrix Faq (+DEF CON presentation)

From: Ossian Vitek (ian.Vitekat_private)
Date: Fri Sep 27 2002 - 17:49:00 PDT

  • Next message: Muhammad Faisal Rauf Danka: "Re: Yet another XSS vulnerability in PHP NUKE"

    The URL to my Citrix tools is:
    My DEF CON presentation is also there now!
    sh0dan (wirepairat_private) wrote (Citrix quotation):
    > 1. Disable MetaFrame XP server broadcast response. CMC |
    > Right-click on farm | MetaFrame Settings tab | Uncheck the
    > two boxes in the "Broadcast Response" section. This will
    > prevent that perl scanner from working.
    Maybe... But if it doesn't stop the Citrix client (with the use of
    citrix-pa-proxy.pl) to enumerate applications I could write a new PA
    scanner that enumerates the applications.
    I will check that next week.
    Some simple "breaking out from given environment":
    Very easy: Start the task manager, choose run... explorer.exe (both the
    task manager and run.. can be disabled).
    Easy: If not started; start the given application. Choose File->Open and on
    a directory; right click and choose explore.
    (If there is no open.., search for open..., save as..., attach... or
    Lots of clicking: Press F1 and search for open... (another help file). Or
    try to find a link to web based support (starts IE) or email (starts IE).
    (You can sometimes find links that starts commands in new help files).
    Even more clicking: Choose print... and try to right click/explore
    everywhere. The printer could have it's own help file.
    So, conclusion:
    Start with:
    task manager (Default CTRL+F1 [Citrix client] )
    F1 (Help)
    Try the following everywhere:
    Right click and explore.
    F1 if it seams that a new application has started (like printer or help).
    Click on everything that looks like an URL or an email. (Tip: Look in the
    Help->About or icons on the application)
    If you cant find and an URL or email address; try to write one somewhere.
    This is for the desktop. Remember; A hacker doesn't need a desktop. Command
    prompt is better for a hacker.
    CMD.EXE, COMMAND.COM (Yes, it is still there, and has bugs), FTP.EXE and
    shell escape with "!" or "! command.com /c regedit.exe".
    Applications written for Terminal Services/Citrix/Tarantella is usually
    very hard to break out from.
    Fire up regedt32 and disable most of windows. Remove execute and read from
    almost every file.
    Securewave has a nice product:
    Check out their nice live DEMO. I have succeeded to halt their DEMO server
    once (cmd /k cmd /k cmd /k cmd /k cmd /k cmd /k you get the point). You can
    now only spawn a few processes.
    If you know about other similar applications, please mail me.
    //Ian Vitek, iXsecurity

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