Re: CERT Advisory CA-2002-28 Trojan Horse Sendmail

From: Kim Scarborough (kjsat_private)
Date: Wed Oct 09 2002 - 09:46:57 PDT

  • Next message: Dave Ahmad: "[security bulletin] SSRT2339 (ypxfrd) and SSRT2368 (ypserv) HP Tru64 UNIX Potential Security Vulnerability (fwd)"

    > I contaced Eli Klein <elijahat_private> earlier today regarding this.
    > It would appear he was unaware (Or says this) that his server was
    > used in this attack (He runs, the server that was
    > used in the back door).
    > I was kind of amazed CERT or Sendmail or anyone for that matter hadn't tried
    > to contact him. It would be apparent that the interest in actually figuring
    > out who hacked Sendmail's ftp site, is little to none. Unless of course they
    > were just assuming someone was trying to frame Mr. Klein :P
    I'm not too surprised. My server was used in a similar manner to control the
    fragrouter backdoor (the culprit got on my box through the previously trojaned
    irssi). I would've thought somebody would have contacted me to see if I could
    help track down the perpetrator, but I never heard anything (except from a
    Security Focus reporter). I guess people just assume that there's not going to
    be any evidence anyway, so there's no point in contacting the server admin.
    Kim Scarborough                        

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