From: staff (phrackstaffat_private)
Date: Mon Oct 14 2002 - 00:54:19 PDT

  • Next message: Steve Bellovin: "Input requested for second edition of "Firewalls and Internet Security""

    Dear BQ moderator,
    please forward this CFP to the list.
       ,               ,
      / \   .     ,   / \
     |/\ \  |\_,_/|  / /\|       TELL SANTA TO FSCK OFF - PHRACK MAGAZINE
     || \ |.-"   "-.| / ||           IS BRINGING THE GIFTS THIS YEAR.
     ||  / -.\\ //.- \  ||
     \\_ |  /o`^'o\  | _//  CALL FOR PAPERS * CALL FOR PAPERS * CALL FOR PAPERS
      `--|  `"/ \"`  |--`   CALL FOR PAPERS * CALL FOR PAPERS * CALL FOR PAPERS
         ; |\__"__/| ;      CALL FOR PAPERS * CALL FOR PAPERS * CALL FOR PAPERS
          \\ \/^\/ //       CALL FOR PAPERS * CALL FOR PAPERS * CALL FOR PAPERS
           \\     //        CALL FOR PAPERS * CALL FOR PAPERS * CALL FOR PAPERS
        jgs \\^.^// 
             \`"`/           Deadline: Friday the 13th of December
                             PHRACK MAGAZINE #60 IS COMING!
        The sixtieth edition of PHRACK MAGAZINE is going to be released on
    December 25th as an X-MESS present to the community. To make this milestone
    edition of PHRACK MAGAZINE a quality release, the PHRACK MAGAZINE editorial
    staff are soliciting papers from the community. PHRACK MAGAZINE is reliant
    on authors submitting papers for publication, so take advantage of this
    opportunity to be a part of the X-MASS Special Edition. Papers can be on
    any topic related to the following:
            - hacking
            - phreaking
            - cryptography
            - security
            - spying
            - forensics
            - radio
            - broadcasting
            - anarchy
            - coding
            - conspiracy
            - world news
        The call for papers starts on Monday the 14th of October, and new
    papers will be accepted up until Friday the 13th of December. Editorial
    changes to the papers can be submitted until Friday the 20th of December. 
        The PHRACK MAGAZINE editors suggest that papers be submitted as early
    as possible to help resolve conflicts (e.g. multiple articles on the same
    topic), and to enable the editors to provide maximum assistance in the
    production of high-quality articles.
        Starting with this 60th edition a new section dedicated to tool
    announcements will be appearing. The section "Tools Armory" will showcase
    selected tools of relevance to the computer underground which have been
    released. Dont bore us with 0day. Limit the submission to tools that have
    already been published or are indended to be published. The tools should
    be related to one of the above topics. Each tool submission should include
    a brief description of the tool, as well as a location to download the
    source code. Send your tools to phrackstaffat_private
       The PHRACK MAGAZINE staff is also looking for people who have been
    busted, or who have been contacted by feds (or by special services) in
    their country. The PHRACK MAGAZINE staff would like to collect information
    from these people to write a paper on how the feds operate and how a bust
    is conducted. If you got busted please send information to
    igotbustedat_private Or, if you bust people please send information to
        PHRACK MAGAZINE is one of the longest running electronic magazines in
    existence. Since 1985, PHRACK MAGAZINE has been providing the hacker
    community with information on operating systems, network technologies and
    telephony, as well as relaying features of interest for the international
    computer underground. PHRACK MAGAZINE is made available to the public, as
    often as possible, free of charge.
        This X-MASS Santa's helpers will be working overtime to ensure delivery
    of PHRACK MAGAZINE down every chimney. So, kids, don't forget to put up a
    stocking, preferably with your teenage sister in it...
    All issues of PHRACK MAGAZINE are available from

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Mon Oct 14 2002 - 12:28:30 PDT