Ingenium Admin Password Vulnerability

From: Brian Enigma (enigmaat_private)
Date: Mon Oct 14 2002 - 17:14:49 PDT

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        The vendor was contacted, but I have not received any response (other
    than an autoresponder) over the past week...
    Security Advisory -- Click2Learn's Ingenium LMS
    Brian Enigma <enigmaat_private>
    Product:          Ingenium Learning Management System
    Versions:         Known to work on v5.1 and v6.1.  It is likely
                      that all versions are vulnerable.  Click2Learn's
                      Aspen LMS has not been tested.
    Vulnerabilities:  (1) Administrator password, public visibility
                      (2) All user passwords visible with database SELECT
    Affected Systems: All Ingenium installations visible to the public
                      internet (do a Google search for "Ingenium Web
    Reporter:         Brian Enigma <enigmaat_private>
    Vendor Contacted: 2002-10-07, no response
    Publication Date: 2002-10-14
    Company:          Click2Learn
    Company URL:
    I work for a company that uses Click2Learn's Ingenium Learning Management
    System.  Part of my job involves locating, evaluating, and fixing security
    vulnerabilities in an assortment of products.  A few things about Ingenium have
    recently caught my interest.  First, a user on the public internet can retrieve
    the administrator's password hash.  Second, the password hash is easily
    reversible.  Third, user passwords (not as easily accessible, as they are
    stored in a Microsoft SQL database) are also hashed using the same reversible
    This is a very serious problem.  Any site using Ingenium as their learning
    management system is vulnerable.  Since the HTML title used by the frameset in
    all Ingenium installations is "Ingenium Web Connect," a Google search will
    reveal quite a number of vulnerable sites.  In theory, a user can log into any
    of these sites as an administrator using these vulnerabilities.
    Ingenium stores a number of configuration parameters in a Microsoft SQL
    database.  It also must store a few values on the local system, as it needs to
    know several important values before being able to access the database--for
    instance, the location, login, and password for connecting to the database.
    Basically this is the database "bootstrap" information.  In examining the file
    more closely (it is called [install directory]/config/config.txt), I also noted
    that the application's administrator password, as a hashed value, is also
    stored in this file.  Even further inspection of the file location, directory
    structure, and IIS installation shows that the file is located in a folder
    under the htdocs web directory!  This means that a simple HTTP request can grab
    the config file!  
    In most default installations, replacing the "default.asp" file name in the
    URL, when looking at the Ingenium home page, with "config/config.txt" will
    retrieve the file, including the administrator password hash.  This is just
    plain silly!  Most web programmers with any amount of training or experience
    know that you need to store your data out-of-band from the documents/programs.
    Raw data files should not be web accessible.  
    While this particular vulnerability is a known issue (see Click2Learn's
    Knowledge Base article Q1254), it is brushed off as advice for the paranoid.
    Personal observation has not shown a single site that hides this configuration
    file.  Utilizing this vulnerability leads us to the importance of the next one.
    You may or my not already know that the best way to store passwords in a
    persistent data store is with a one-way hash function.  In fact, this is how
    all Unix systems work.  You cannot reverse out a password from a password hash
    without a lot of brute force--in most cases, so much number crunching that the
    process is not worth it.  You may also know that one of the worst ways to store
    passwords (or any data) is with XOR "encryption."  Two large enough samples and
    a minute of math will give you a pretty darn good idea of what the "encryption"
    key is.  An even less secure method of encrypting data is with a secret decoder
    ring.  In fact, most newspapers have a "Cryptogram" section with the Sunday
    comics that lets you solve these as a diversion (shameless self-plug:  It is called a Caesar cypher and
    is made mildly more challenging/annoying by varying the offset depending on the
    position of the letter in the message.
    I'll give you three guesses what Ingenium uses to store passwords, but the
    first two guesses cannot be "Caesar Cypher."  Yes, Ingenium uses about the same
    encryption as a Flash Gordon Secret Decoder Ring.  Implementation would have
    been an exercise left for the reader, but it was a slow Friday, so the Java
    source will be supplied with this advisory.  Passwords are not case
    sensitive--it would appear they are converted to uppercase before being
    "encrypted."  The example code will only decode letters and numbers, no special
    symbols, but the theory still applies.
    In this particular cipher implementation, the key is:
    This key repeats if the plaintext is longer than ten characters.  To decode a
    given piece of cyphertext, you simply take the hex value of the cyphertext
    character and subtract the hex value of the key character in the same position,
    giving you a plaintext hex characters.  Note that the number space wraps
    between 0x20 and 0x7D.  Just in case you are not following, an example is in
    order.  Let us say, as an example, that the password line in config.txt is
    "General\LocalAdmin=|smh|#'hp{9'$%10".  The decoding goes something like this:
    cypher:       |smh|#'hp{9'$%10
    subtract key: 9'$%100'%69'$%10
    You will note that only the first ten characters are significant.  The rest are
    nulls in the plaintext, giving the cyphertext character the same value as the
    key character at that position.  Worked out in hex, this becomes:
    cipher:       7c 73 6d 68 7c 23 27 68 70 7b
    subtract key: 39 27 24 25 31 30 30 27 25 36
    equals:       43 4c 49 43 4b 51 55 41 4b 45
    in ASCII:     C  L  I  C  K  Q  U  A  K  E
    You will notice that the "Q" and "U" wrapped down below 0x20, and back around
    to 0x7D.  Experimentation also shows that the numeric digits are somehow offset
    such that zero (normally 0c30) is mapped to lowercase n (0x6E).  Symbols are
    also mapped into this area, but have not been completely explored.
    This issue is not as severe as the administrator password.  A user will need
    SELECT access in the database to utilize this vulnerability.  A simple SELECT *
    FROM IWC_USR will give you a list of logins and their corresponding password
    hashes.  The password hash employs the same algorithm as above, only you will
    need to remove the "$" at the beginning of the password hash and use a slightly
    different key (the characters "i0)'0+7/" repeated).
    A good long-term solution would be a software update from Click2Learn that
    moves the files in the "config" directory (and possible others) to a path
    outside of the web documents.  This requires engineering time and QA resources.
    Also, this solution may not apply to entities that purchased the Ingenium LMS
    without a support contract.
    A simple and immediate solution would be to block the config.txt file from
    being downloadable.  Configuring IIS to block access to this directory can
    achieve the desired result.  This is a simple operation.  First, open the
    Internet Management console.  Next locate the "config" web folder.  Right-click
    on it and select "Properties."  Uncheck the "Read" and "Index" checkboxes and
    click "OK."  
    -= QED =-

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