SnortCenter 0.9.5 temp file naming problems...

From: Clint Byrum (cbyrumat_private)
Date: Tue Nov 05 2002 - 11:04:10 PST

  • Next message: Daniel: "Bug in Monkey Webserver 0.5.0 or minors versions"

    Hello. I am releasing this very late, as SnortCenter v0.9.6 has been
    released for a few weeks now. This bug was discovered a couple of months
    ago, but not released at the request of Stefan Dens, the author of
    SnortCenter is a php based tool for aggregating many snort sensors into
    one place to make it easy to keep rules and configurations synchronized.
    Upon choosing to "push" the rules out to a particular sensor, a file is
    created in the temp directory with the same name as the sensor. So, if
    your sensor is named "hal" and you push the rules out to it, on the
    webserver, a file is created
    With permissions 777. This means that *anyone* with access to the
    SnortCenter server's /tmp directory could read the sensor config files,
    among other fun /tmp games. Interesting bits in these files include the
    usernames/passwords/addresses of the alert database servers.
    TO FIX:
    v0.9.6 has been recently released, and should be upgraded to. Also I have
    attached a patch for 0.9.5 that uses a more random name(not sure of the
    security of php4's tempnam() function), and secure permissions on the
    You can get v0.9.6 at snortcenter's home page.
    Clint Byrum

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