When scrubbing secrets in memory doesn't work

From: Michael Howard (mikehowat_private)
Date: Tue Nov 05 2002 - 10:45:30 PST

  • Next message: Tollef Fog Heen: "Re: Accesspoints disclose wep keys, password and mac filter (fwd)"

    During the Windows Security Push in Feb/Mar 2002, we noticed an
    'interesting' anomaly with code to scrub passwords that looks like this:
    bool DoSensitiveStuff() {
    	bool fOK = false;
    	const size_t cbPwd = 64;
    	char szPwd[cbPwd];
    	if (GetUserPassword(szPwd,cbPwd-1)) 
    		if (DoSomethingWithPassword(szPwd))
    			fOK = true;		
    	return fOK;	
    On the surface, this looks fine, until you look at the ASM output, and
    you see the call to memset has been removed by the optimizer because
    szPwd is not read once the function completes. Hence, the secret data is
    still floating in memory.
    This optimization, common in most modern C/C++ compilers is often
    referred to as "dead store removal."
    A full write-up outlining the issue in more detail, as well as some
    remedies is at
    Cheers, Michael Howard
    Secure Windows Initiative
    Microsoft Corp.
    Writing Secure Code 

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