[VulnWatch] ClearCase DoS vulnerabilty

From: marek.rouchalat_private
Date: Fri Nov 22 2002 - 01:30:11 PST

  • Next message: EnGarde Secure Linux: "[Full-Disclosure] [ESA-20021122-030] local kernel vulnerabilities"

    Dear all,
    please find attached a security vulnarability advisory
    for immediate publishing.
    Best regards,
    Marek Rouchal, Infineon Technologies AG, Munich, Germany
    Stefan Bagdohn, Guardeonic Solutions, Munich, Germany
    Advisory Name:        ClearCase remote DoS
    Release Date:         11/22/02
    Affected Product:     Rational (R) ClearCase (R)
    Platform:             Solaris 2.5.1 and 8 for sure, other unknown
    Version:              4.1 (patches 27, 28) and 2002.05 (patches 9,10)
                          sure, other unknown
    Severity:             The ClearCase process listening on TCP port 371
                          can be crashed by performing a simple nmap scan

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