Multiple pServ Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities

From: Matthew Murphy (mattmurphyat_private)
Date: Sun Dec 01 2002 - 10:15:52 PST

  • Next message: Fabricio Angeletti: "Cross-site Scripting Vulnerability in YaBB 1 Gold - SP1!"

    There are multiple buffer overflow bugs in pServ that could lead to a remote
    (root?) compromise of public servers running the daemon:
    Pico Server (pServ) is a freeware web server available at running on many POSIX compliant platforms.  The
    package contains several exploitable buffer overflow errors that may allow
    remote attackers to gain the privileges of the web server userid.  As pServ
    has no setuid capability, this is typically uid=0/gid=0 (root).
    pServ reads in a 1024 byte line each time from the socket.  After this
    occurs, several flaws in intermediate processing allow attackers to overrun
    internal buffers used by the server.  This document assumes that the Unix
    newline (0x0A or '\n') is used.
    * One Byte Overflow in Stream Reading
    pServ allocates 1024 bytes for a string buffer on the stack, and then
    attempts to read the full size of the block.  It is possible to zero a
    single byte of EBP (x86) by sending a TCP stream message that is exactly
    1024 bytes in length to the server.
    * Request method buffer overrun
    pServ accepts 1024 bytes in each line of the request, but then only
    allocates 16 bytes (according to the definition of "request.method" in
    main.h) for this data, so a request like:
    [buffer] / HTTP/1.0
    will overwrite 1008 bytes of memory, and possibly allow for arbitrary code
    execution, as this structure is stored on the stack.
    In main.c:analyzeRequest():
        /* first line: method, path and protocol version */
        i = j = 0;
        while (reqArray[0][i] != ' ' && reqArray[0][i] != '\0')
            reqStruct->method[j++] = reqArray[0][i++]; <--- No check of 'method'
        reqStruct->method[i] = '\0';
    * HTTP version specifier buffer overrun
    pServ only allocates a 16 byte buffer for "request.protocolVersion" in
    main.h, and then proceeds to copy the remaining data on the request line
    into this small buffer, so:
    GET / HTTP/1.[buffer]
    will corrupt a 1008 byte range of memory.
    In main.c:analyzeRequest():
        j = 0;
          while (reqArray[0][i] != ' ' && reqArray[0][i] != '\0')
            reqStruct->protocolVersion[j++] = reqArray[0][i++]; <--- index of
    'j' not checked
        reqStruct->protocolVersion[j] = '\0';
    * User-Agent buffer overrun
    pServ only allocates a 256 byte buffer for a string that can be as large as
    1011 bytes, allowing for the corruption of 755 bytes of stack data in the
    server process:
    GET / HTTP/1.0
    User-Agent: [buffer]
    In main.c:analyzeRequest():
            if (!strncmp(reqArray[i], "User-Agent:", strlen("User-Agent:")))
                strcpy(reqStruct->userAgent, &reqArray[i][strlen("User-Agent:
    * Possible request parsing buffer overflow
    pServ allows 1024 bytes to be read from a line, but it then tries to merge
    the file path buffer (which can be as large as 1024 bytes, hypothetically)
    and the document root buffer (which is given the same size), resulting in a
    possible overflow.  If we look at the bare minimum for an HTTP 1.0 GET
    GET / HTTP/1.0[\n]
    This gives us 1010 bytes for the file path.  If the document root is 14
    bytes or larger, memory may be corrupted.  The server may also append the
    default file name, which could result in denial of service if the buffer is
    overrun by this concatenation.
    In main.c:handleMethod():
                strcpy(completeFilePath, homePath); <--- the buffer could
    already be full!
                strcat(completeFilePath, req.documentAddress); <--- overflow
                    strcat(completeFilePath, defaultFileName);
    Buffer overflows are a chronic security problem for many vendors.  There are
    three things that make these buffer overflows more severe than some others:
    1) Application must run root/setuid (Privileged ports)
    2) Remote/Daemon
    3) Multiple vulnerabilities
    These overflows ALL occur on the stack, and all therefore can be easily used
    to overwrite EBP/EIP and cause the daemon to SEGV or execute arbitrary code.
    Vulnerabilities discovered during source code analysis of pServ 2.0b5.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Mon Dec 02 2002 - 08:02:46 PST