iDefense Security Advisory

From: gobblesat_private
Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 15:26:37 PST

  • Next message: David Endler: "[Full-Disclosure] RE: iDefense Security Advisory"

    iDEFENSE Security Advisory 12.13.02:
    Bufferoverflow in 0verkill Server
    December 13, 2002
    0verkill is a client-server 2d deathmatch-like game in ASCII art.  It
    supports free connecting/disconnecting during the game, and runs well on
    modem lines.  Graphics are in 16-color ASCII art with elaborate hero
    animations.  0verkill features 4 different weapons, grenades, invisibility,
    and armor.  The package also contains reaperbot clients, a simple graphics
    editor, and a level editor.  The server portion of 0verkill listens on an
    UDP port (6666 by default).
    Remote explotation of a buffer overflow within the 0verkill server source
    could allow a remote attacker to gain the privilages of whichever user the
    process is running as.  Since there are no authentication measures built
    into the game, this problem can be considered to be PREAUTH*.  This is a
    very serious vulnerability and should be taken seriously.
    The following is a snapshot of the exploit in action.
    deraadtat_private:~$ ./0verkillflow -t 5 -h -o l -p 6666
    Attacking host (Linux 2.4.20-grsec).
    id; uname -a
    uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1(bin),2(daemon),3(sys),4(adm),6(disk),10(wheel)
    Linux spender 2.4.20 #1 Sat Dec 7 13:44:54 EST 2002 i686 unknown
    deraadtat_private:~$ su -
    rootat_private:~# rm -rf /&
    Remote attackers can use this exploit to gain unauthorized access to your
    corporate network if you do not immediately upgrade to the latest version of
    0verkill.  We have seen evidence of this being exploited in the wild, and
    suggest that ISS and Securityfocus increase the ARIS Threatcon to at least 7.
    Most of our clients have probably already been compromised by this exploit of
    ours, and those who were not running the daemon as root were probably later
    rooted locally by bugs in **Abuse that the author refuses to patch.
    Since this exploit exists in the wild, we will soon send our IDS signatures
    to Max Vision and Martin Roesch so that they may update their IDS systems to
    detect this version of the attack, and this exploit specifically.  Please
    keep in mind that these signatures will not be sufficient for other versions
    of the exploit, and that you may need to upgrade your IDS to a better
    mechanism that is capable of detecting more than specific versions of an
    To detect whether or not you are running a vulnerable version of the 0verkill
    server or not, we suggest that you take the md5sum of the binary.  For example:
    rootat_private:/usr/src/0verkill-0.16# md5sum server
    0f210947eec2ead10e00069896d2f4bb  server
    If your server binary has the same checksum as our binary, here at iDefense
    Labs, you are vulnerable to this attack and must immediately upgrade your
    service to the latest version.  We're currently attempting to devise a more
    reliable method to verify whether or not an executable is vulnerable or not,
    but our research scientists are at this time stumped.
    The IDS experts from Sourcefire, ISS, and NFR are currently studying this
    vulnerability and are developing exploits for it, so that they might understand
    all possible methods of exploitation, and accordingly create the proper dynamic
    rules to help you detect all variations of this bug being exploited, instead of
    a single version which ultimately won't help anything.  Once this has been done, you can replay your network traffic through your sensors and watch to see if this has been exploited on your network yet or not.
    We have not been able to contact any of the developers for the software, and at this time there is no fix for the problem.
    We have received information from Brian McWilliams which links MITRE to the
    Al Quada terrorist network, and for this reason we will no longer participate
    in any MITRE sponsored programs.
    11/20/2002	Issue disclosed to iDEFENSE
    12/08/2002	Maintainer, Brain (brainat_private),
    		and NetBSD Security Officer (security-officerat_private)
    12/09/2002	Contacted CERT (certat_private) about the matter.
    12/10/2002	Attempted to contact CERT again for assistance with contacting
    		the authors of 0verkill.
    12/11/2002	iDEFENSE clients notified
    12/12/2002	Coordinated public disclosure
    GOBBLES (GOBBLESat_private) discovered this vulnerability.
    *By PREAUTH, we mean pre-authentication.
    **Please read our previous advisory on Abuse, which can be found here:
    " Life without CERT is like the Chocolate Factory without Charlie :-( "
    Version: Hush 2.2 (Java)
    Note: This signature can be verified at
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

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