junkbuster 2.0-1 proxy relaying spam

From: Andrew Daviel (andrewat_private)
Date: Mon Dec 23 2002 - 02:11:41 PST

  • Next message: Stephan Sachweh: "Antwort: Openwebmail 1.71 remote root compromise"

    I just found a "junkbuster" proxy on a RedHat 6.2 machine
    being used to relay spam - a bit ironic, considering the
    intention of the program.
    This is junkbuster-2.0-1 installed as part of a 
    "complete install" on RedHat 6.2.
    It seems that the default install sets no ACL, no logging,
    and starts the program on boot.
    This is not the buffer overflow reported in 1998. It is
    a simple use of the HTTP CONNECT method similar to the Korean
    school Apache proxies 
    The default for junkbuster 2.0-2 is to listen on localhost only,
    so modern installs should be safe.
    Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
    Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376

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