IMP 2.x SQL injection vulnerabilities

From: Jouko Pynnonen (joukoat_private)
Date: Wed Jan 08 2003 - 09:34:16 PST

  • Next message: Kaspar Brand: "[VulnWatch] Re: Opentype font file causes Windows to restart."

    IMP is a popular webmail package written in PHP. It ships with some UNIX 
    systems and is also used on Windows servers. The version 2 of the program 
    contains some SQL injection flaws which allow any remote user to access 
    the webmail system's database. Valid user authentication is not required 
    in order to exploit the flaws.
    The error happens in some database functions in PHP files named 
    lib/db.<databasename>. An example from db.pgsql, function check_prefs:
      $sql="select username from $default->db_pref_table where username='$user@$server'";
    Including user-supplied strings directly in an SQL query is a mistake. 
    The fix is to use something like the addslashes() PHP function.
    As a proof of concept:
    $ lynx "http://webmail.server/imp/mailbox.php3?actionID=6&server=x&imapuser=x';somesql+--&pass=x"
    IMP would try to execute "somesql" and the result would be this kind 
    of PHP error (presuming the PHP configuration allows displaying error 
    messages on web pages):
       Warning:  PostgreSQL  query  failed:  ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "somesql" in
       /usr/share/horde/imp/lib/db.pgsql on line 127
    Even though SQL query results aren't directly readable from the screen 
    in the above example, the attacker might e.g. update his/her mail 
    signature to contain wanted query results and then view it on the 
    preferences page of IMP. This requires a valid login, but isn't a 
    problem for an attacker because IMP allows the use of any remote IMAP 
    server. Use of the server_list option doesn't affect this behaviour; the 
    attacker-controlled IMAP server may be still passed to mailbox.php3 in the 
    The impact of SQL injection depends heavily on the underlying database 
    and its configuration. If PostgreSQL is used, it's possible to execute 
    multiple complete SQL queries separated by semicolons. The database 
    contains session id's so the attacker might hijack sessions of people 
    currently logged in and read their mail. In the worst case, if the 
    hordemgr user has the required privilege to use the COPY SQL command 
    (found in PostgreSQL at least), a remote user may read or write to any 
    file the database user (postgres) can. The attacker may then be able to 
    run arbitrary shell commands by writing them to the postgres user's 
    ~/.psqlrc; they'd be run when the user starts the psql command which 
    under some configurations happens regularly from a cron script.
    If other database servers are used, the exploitation possibilities may 
    be more limited.
    The vendor has been informed about this bug last month. Although there 
    hasn't been any direct reply, there was a comment on this on the IMP 
    mailing list: "2.2.x is officially deprecated/unsupported. This does not 
    apply to 3.x.".
    Versions up to and including 2.2.8 seem vulnerable. According to the 
    author, version 3 isn't affected so upgrading to IMP 3 is recommended. 
    This, and more information about IMP is available at
      Jouko Pynnönen

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