A patch for "Windows WM_TIMER Message Handling flaw" causes random crashes on Windows NT

From: Tomasz Ostrowski (tometzkyat_private)
Date: Sun Jan 12 2003 - 06:22:18 PST

  • Next message: VOID.AT Security: "isc dhcpd 3.0 format string exploit"

    A patch for a flaw in "Windows WM_TIMER Message Handling", released
    with "Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-071" (Q328310), causes random
    crashes (blue screens of death) on WindowsNT systems. Besides
    annoyance it forces uninstallation of this patch leaving systems
    vunerable for the flaw.
    Microsoft was contacted by me today. Others has contacted MS earlier.
    Crashes occur at about one in a day rate (on office computers). There
    are some discussions about this issue on Usenet - please check for
    Vulnerability identifier: CAN-2002-1230
    Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-071:
    Flaw in Windows WM_TIMER Message Handling Could Enable Privilege
    Elevation (328310)
    Best wishes
    ...although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a
    moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you
                                                          Winnie the Pooh

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