PivX Multi-Vendor Game Server dDoS Advisory

From: Mike Kristovich (mkristovichat_private)
Date: Fri Jan 17 2003 - 04:49:11 PST

  • Next message: Mandrake Linux Security Team: "MDKSA-2003:007 - Updated dhcp packages fix remote code execution vulnerability"

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    Mike Kristovich, PivX Security Advisory MK#001
    Date:        November 26, 2002
    Released:    January 16, 2002
    Application: Battlefield 1942 (Server and Dedicated Server)
    	     America's Army
    	     Unreal Tournament 2003
    	     and more.. see section 2.
    Version:     All up to current.
    Bug:         Server status port replies to spoofed UDP packets
                 with large amount of data.
    Risk:        High, BF1942 servers flooded or used as flooders, DDoS risk
    Author:      Mike Kristovich, Security Researcher, PivX Solutions, LLC
                 e-mail: mkristovichat_private
    Web:         http://www.PivX.com/kristovich
    1) Introduction
    2) Bug
    3) Proof of concept code.
    4) Fix
    5) Philosophy
    6) Closing comments..
    7) Related Documents and Advisories
    8) DDoS Related Quotes
    9) Contact
    1) Introduction
    This document is based on Battlefield 1942's query responses, but
    this vulnerability exists in many games.  As a basic rule of thumb,
    if it supports gamespy (http://www.gamespy.com), it will likely be 
    The following games are vulnerable to the same type of attack, and
    most use the same general query commands (excluding Quake, Quake 2,
    Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and a couple others).  The other query
    commands can be found in the source of a free program called "Server
    Query" (http://www.ServerQuery.com).  The general rule of thumb is:
    If its supported by GameSpy and Server Query, its vulnerable.
    Affected Games
    Quake		Quake 2			Q3: Arena & Team Arena
    Kingpin		Half-Life		Counter-Strike
    Sin		Soldier of Fortune	Daikatana
    Unreal Tourn.	Quakeworld		Unreal
    Rune		Gore			Tribes
    Tribes 2        Serious Sam		Serious Sam 2
    C&C: Renegade	Global Operations	Jedi Knight 2
    Battlefield 1942
    America's Army
    Unreal Tournament 2003
    Return to Castle Wolfenstein 
    Medal of Honour: Allied Assault
    SoF2: Double Helix
    SoF2: Double Helix Demo
    Alien vs Predator 2
    NeverWinter Nights
    V8 Supercar Challenge
    The usage example for Battlefield 1942 follows..
    The risk for this vulnerability seems to be worse on a game such
    as Battlefield 1942 due to its ability for  to support 64 player 
    Battlefield 1942 servers listen on UDP port 23000, awaiting commands:
    i.e. '\status\' '\players\' '\packets\' '\echo\' '\rules\', and more.
    The server uses a protocol very similar to UT2003 and America's Army,
    and many other GameSpy* supported games.  
    * Gamespy is a popular program that allows game clients to find and
      connect to game servers.
    BF1942 allows you to combine requests:
    i.e. '\status\players\packets\rules\'
    When a request like the example above is sent, it uses approximately
    30 bytes, not including UDP overhead.  The resulting response
    can be anywhere from as low as 6000 - 7000, to as high as 11,000+ 
    bytes.  Using an example of 30 bytes:11,799 bytes, we get a ratio of
    1:393. Basically, for every 1 byte we've sent, 393 are returned (in this 
    particular example, which comes from a server housing 41 players)..
    Results will vary.  A server which holds 64 players could potentially
    respond with well over 18,000 bytes.
    A server housing 31 players, in our test, responded with 9,583 bytes
    for a single 30 byte request. 
    Side note, one single UDP request using the query line in our POC code
    responds with 10 seperate responses (due to packet size limitations.)
    This also means, if the victim port is unreachable, the victim will 
    respond to the data with 10 ICMP Unreachable responses.
    2) Bug
    UDP is a connectionless protocol of which the source ip and port can 
    easily be spoofed.  If you've read the introduction, you can probably
    see where I'm going with this.
    The BF1942 status port will reply an amazing amount of requests,
    and although I have only personally tested this to 50 kbytes/sec, I
    dont see any reason why you couldn't go even higher.
    When these requests are received, the reply is sent to the source host
    which, in this case, we have spoofed.  This causes a huge packet flood
    to your victim, therefore you now have your DoS.
    When tested, a single upstream of 4 k/s to the BF1942 server yielded
    over 550 k/s being sent to the victim host.  When the victim's host
    receives these packets on a UDP port which is open (commonly found
    to be 135 (MS/DCE RPC), 53 (DNS), and so on), the downstream to that
    connection will be flooded.  If you sent to an unreachable port on
    the victim's host, the victim's stack will respond with "Unreachable"
    responses which will also flood their upstream.  
    A personal firewall will such as ZoneAlarm will not prevent this
    DoS, as it is simply a flood of information being sent directly to
    the victim's computer.  To stop this DoS from reaching the victim,
    the port you specify would have to be blocked before reaching their
    system.  Ports you would find particularly useless would be ones that
    are commonly blocked by ISPs before reaching the customers:
    (139/NetBIOS, and so on). A firewall will only prevent the victim
    from responding with ICMP Unreachable packets.
    Notes on bug
    * Packets can be sent steadily, no wait time needed for refresh.
    Further information, discussion..
    This is an attack that can easily flood any system slower than the
    Battlefield 1942 server, and do it anonymously because the UDP 
    packet source is spoofed to that of the victim.  This is very similar
    to the "smurf" attack that was used in the late 20th century. =)
    The attack does not only affect the bandwidth of the host and the
    victim, but it also tends to eat up a nice chunk of memory and CPU
    power on the server.  
    This low amount of required upstream would allow a simple modem user
    to send a hefty DoS to a T1 or higher.  
    Due to the fact that Battlefield 1942 servers tend to require a 
    lot of bandwidth to operate, you are very likely to find that nearly
    any server will have more than enough bandwidth to handle the task.
    EA has many of their servers hosted on OC3 lines.
    In many ways, this exceeds the severity of the smurf attack method.
    Example theory of risk:
    T1 (1.54 mbps) FULL DoS:
     1 server needed @ ~220 k/s or more (a 20 player server will do).
     1 - 2 k/s* upstream needed from attacker (~14.4 baud modem)
     A single user dialed up at 14,400 bps can topple a T1.
     A single dial-up at 56k (31.2kbit up) could DoS 2 T1s at a time.
    * You must account for UDP overhead (IP Header, UDP Header)
    3) Proof-of-concept code
    Proof of concept code is to show usage of this vulnurability. 
    Please use it with caution.
    4) Fix
     No fix is currently available from EA.
     No fix is currently available from others.
     No fix currently, but a fix is planned from GameSpy.
     Electronic Arts was informed, but did not respond. 
      (11/20/2002 - 1/13/2002)
    5) Philosophy
     Full disclosure is needed to ensure that the bug can be fixed
    or reviewed before it gets into the hands of the wrong person.
     Hopefully, the POC code for this will ensure that people will
    know the full effects of an attack of this sort.
    6) Closing comments..
     While UDP spoofing is near extinction due to network providers
    finally deciding to block it, this is still a threat.
     The POC code provided allows you to specify how many kilobytes/sec
    you would like to use when sending requests.  This includes overhead.
     Coffee consumed during research: 32 cups.
     As far as risk assessment, think about this: Global nameservers.
    7) Related Documents and Advisories
       Modern Day UDP Spoofing:
       Server Query
       The Distributed Reflection DoS Attack
       Application-Level Reflection Attacks
        by Tom Vogt
    8) DDoS Related Quotes
     There is an article in a dalnet newsgroup in which Jim-mm (@dal.net)
    makes many good points about DDoS, and how these attacks threaten
    everyone. The letter he has written is conserning current DDoS
    attacks that are making DALNet unaccessable.
    -- Start Quote --
    It is no exageration to say that these continuing attacks threaten the
    existance of DALnet. Many of our hosts are being seriously impacted by
    what are very large (multi-Gb/s) attacks are are understandably
    considering whether or not they can continue to support DALnet.
    We at DALnet have repeatedly begged various providers for assistance to
    curb these problems however we have had limited success. I have seen a
    single abuser infect over 2000 machines in a day, while still others
    exploit ISP stupidity by compromising DSL/cable routers which have no
    passwords, weak or default passwords or insecure telnet ports open to
    the internet. Even when notifed of this stupidity ISP's either refuse to
    act or act so slowly they may as well be doing nothing. Then you have
    insecure Win2k boxes of which litterally thousands attack us every day,
    not to mention the myriad of users who click a URL and get infected with
    something through a browser weakness they really should have patched
    months ago.
    We are a single group of volunteers. We cannot secure the entire
    internet on our own, ISP's and service providers MUST start accepting
    responsibility for the machines they allow to connect to the internet at
    large or the internet as we know it will cease to exist. Beleive me,
    it's a short step from DoS'ing an IRC network to shutting down a major
    commercial site, the root nameservers or even a major peering point. In
    a world where even the most clueless abuser can gather well over a Gb/s
    of compromised bandwidth in less than 12 hours that's not just possible,
    it's inevitable.
    What can service providers do... well, here's a few ideas :
    - Block telenet, netbios and socks proxy ports at the border.
    - Make running a personal firewall a condition of service and provide
    support to users to help them set it up securely.
    - Develop some kind of collaberative tracing system so it's possible to
    trace spoofed packets to source _easily_.
    - Enforce egress filtering to eliminate the possibility of launching
    spoofed source attacks from their networks.
    - Enforce their terms of service by disconnecting users who are involved
    in internet attacks. Far too many don't.
    - STOP using routers that are insecure. Pester the manufactureres of
    said routers to fix the damn things, after all the ISP's are their major
    Would it help, yes. Will it ever happen, I doubt it, well not until the
    attackers start pounding the crap out of one ISP after another that is,
    then perhaps they'll pay attention. **
    -- End Quote --
    ** PivX Solutions does not condone attacking ISPs. 
    9) Contact
      Any questions, comments, complaints:
      Mike Kristovich, Security Researcher
      PivX Solutions, LLC
      Geoff Shively, CHO
      PivX Solutions, LLC

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