[Full-Disclosure] Re: iDEFENSE Security Advisory 01.28.03: SSH2 Clients Insecurely Store Passwords

From: auto68182at_private
Date: Thu Jan 30 2003 - 07:24:57 PST

  • Next message: Jouko Pynnonen: "Apache Jakarta Tomcat 3 URL parsing vulnerability"

    > AbsoluteTelnet, SecureCRT, Entunnel, SecureFx, and PuTTY do not properly
    > scrub memory allowing an attacker with access to memory or a memory dump
    > to retrieve authentication information.
    > When connected via SSH2, an attacker can search memory or a memory dump
    > for logon credentials. Passwords transmitted by PuTTY can be found by
    > searching for the second occurrence of the string "password:". The user's
    > password is stored in plaintext shortly after this string. Passwords
    > transmitted by SecureCRT can be found by searching for the string
    > "ssh-connection". The logon and password is stored in plaintext on the
    > respective sides of this keyword. Passwords transmitted by AbsoluteTelnet
    > can be found by searching for the first occurrence of the string
    > "Password", that lies in a segment of read/write memory. The logon and
    > password is stored in plaintext on the respective sides of this keyword.
    Gee, that's a handy vulnerability.  Guess what - if I can read an FTP
    daemon's memory I can recover usernames and passwords too, and
    encrypted password hashes.  If I'm in a windows box and I can dump
    the putty process's memory I bet you I could just install a keystroke
    logger anyway.
    Did someone sell you this 'hole' iDefense ?  If so I have a number
    of similar ones for sale..
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