Re: Windows Server 2003 Security Guide available

From: Lucas Holt (lukeat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 29 2003 - 12:45:59 PDT

  • Next message: Cesar: "Latest MS SQL Server vulnerabilities revealed"

    You do not need Microsoft Office to open word documents.. AppleWorks 
    will do it, and maybe open office/star office?  Granted, Microsoft has 
    a monopoly.  I think you can open word documents with Wordpad which is 
    free (and lousy).  If you are reading a windows security document, you 
    probably have a windows box with wordpad.  There used to be a word 97 
    viewer as well that was free.
    Plain text files would be the only "safe" format.  Even Acrobat 
    documents have security problems.
    Another thing that troubles me about this debate is MITM attacks 
    period.  Lets face it, any file format is susceptible to this sort of 
    thing.  I could put up a fake microsoft MSDN library website and use 
    DNS poisoning to give developers bad documentation.
    What next?  Force users to use SSL for all websites?  Stop using the 
    internet all together?
    > What I found interesting is that some of the documentation is in
    > Microsoft Word or MS Excel format.  This implies that to take full
    > advantage of the information, you need to own an MS Office license.
    > Is this another example of abuse of monopoly?  For that matter, are 
    > .doc
    > or .xls documents necessarily safer than .exe's?  You decide...
    > --
    > David.
    Lucas Holt
    "The next generation of interesting software will be made on a 
    Macintosh, not an IBM PC."
    -- Bill Gates (unconfirmed quote) 

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