UT2003 client passive DoS exploit

From: Auriemma Luigi (aluigiat_private)
Date: Tue May 13 2003 - 13:19:18 PDT

  • Next message: yjm01: "Cdrecord local root exploit."

    I have written an exploit about another effect of the "Negative sign bug" I
    discovered some months ago in the Unreal engine
    The vulnerable softwares are ONLY the clients of the retail UnrealTournament
    2003 v2199 and the demo v2206.
    The patch v2225 fixes the problem in the retail game.
    NOTE that the link to the v2225 patch for Linux has not yet inserted on the
    official homepage of the game http://www.unrealtournament2003.com but it
    exist and you can download directly from the following URL or from any other
    Instead for the demo v2206 you must download the fixed IpDrv file from here:
    Win:   http://unreal.epicgames.com/files/UT2003Demo2206WindowsUpdate1.zip
    Linux: http://unreal.epicgames.com/files/IpDrv.so.bz2
    The exploit simulates an Unreal Tournament 2003 server that accepts
    connections to the information port (default 10777) and when a client
    connects to it, the server will send a formatted UDP packet that contains a
    negative index number that consumes a customized quantity of memory on the
    remote client and can crash it if this quantity cannot be allocated (for
    more informations about this type of bug read my old ueng-adv.txt advisory).
    The exploit can be compiled on both Windows and Unix systems:
    The best solution for an attacker to maliciously use the exploit is in
    coupling with a heartbeat emulator that lets your IP address to be added to
    the official online game servers list of Epic
    I have written an example code that makes the work and can be easily
    NOTE: for using the exploit in coupling with the heartbeat emulator you need
    to specify 7778 as default listening port.
    PivX Bug Researcher

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