Re: [Full-Disclosure] public comment period for the Draft Security Vulnerability Reporting and Responding Process (OISAFETY)

From: dhtmlat_private
Date: Wed Jun 04 2003 - 21:12:02 PDT

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    >the result of a lengthy collaboration between leading security
    >researchers and  software vendors.  We have worked hard to develop
    Ah yes, yet another feeble attempt to generate income in a dwindling
    internet economy. Boy, what a rag tag team of losers wo came up with
    this idea. Wasn't this Christey's mission last year as well?
    Let's see -
    Internet Security Systems,
    Network Associates
    Caldera International (The SCO Group)
    Well, @stake are basically useless. What do they put out maybe 3 times
    a year, some puny advisory about apple aiport, or GSM blinking lights
    or something? They've been in Microsofts back pockets from day one.
    Their position and interest is understood.
    Bindview. Not sure what their ulterior motives are, certainly the money
    @stake now and in the future. They;re somewhat neutral. Strictly bizziness
    I think.
    Foundstone, ha ha ha, if anyone made their moolah of Microsoft, its these
    guys. Shiney clean prep boys churning out books every opportunity they
    can, lead gold certified security "associates" of Microsoft. No doubt
    the biggest recipient of Billy Boy's bones.
    Guardent. Bah, wannabees. Also seeking some fame and money.
    Internet Security Systems. ha ha ha ha. Say, quick, no one's looking
    lets throw out an Apache vuln. No credibility, only interested in hooking
    in to sell their zuper zophisticated zoftware. Will change colors for
    the drop of a dime.
    Network Associates. What? Yeah right. Wouldn't know security if it bit
    them on their bloated virus software. Notorious glamour group, will seek
    out the spot light whereever possible. Along for the ride on this one.
    Symantec. Ho Ho Ho. Had to buy bugraq to know what security means. Only
    along for the ride because NAI is there.
    SGI. Maybe embarrassed once too often.
    Oracle. Definitely embarrassed more than once too often. Hell, what do
    you expect when you get an ugly twat to do a man's job. "Unbreakable"
    we swear by it ha ha ha. "You have some researchers who think that if
    a vendor can't fix things right away, they think they are lazy," said
    Mary Ann Davidson, quit whining sweetie and hike down your inch thick
    nylons so we can take a peek at what's under there :)
    Caldera International (The SCO Group). I'll sue you, I sue you. Yeah,
    in bed with Billy Boy now and toeing the line. Boy oh boy, what money
    can do.
    and last of all...
    Microsoft. Well, well, well. What have we here. The utimate churn mill
    of garbage product. The miser who counts his 80 billions in cash while
    the ships he just sold all sink. Ha ha ha ha ha. Trustworthy Computing.
    Let's flash our billions around, gather up the groups above, bury our
    problems from the public and hope they go away. Say, lets create new
    Microsoft Security Certificates (rotfl), sell them, authorise the groups
    above to dispense them, steer security business their way, if they just
    all play along. The centuary's most inept company, riddled with criminial
    charges but government after government, losing market share to open
    source international faster than you can throw a pie in the owner's face.
    Lookee here, our old friend Scotty Gulp, still singing the same old song
    "Confusion, when dealing with vulnerabilities, ends up hurting the people
    we are trying to protect: the users." Confusion? What confusion. You
    make garabge, sell it to people, it breaks and they cannot get a refund.
    Here's an idea Gulpy, instead of designating 10 guys to count 8 billion
    dollars every day, get a billion guys for 80 dollars to pour through
    your code. HUH? DUH!
    And so we have it, the transparent bunch of lame numbnuts out to make
    a few more pennies, all under the guise of security and "trying to protect:
    the users" --- BILL SHIT I SAY! You don't care, everything you do and
    make is sugar coated garbage. Shiny "neat" "cool" "gadgets" and "gizmos"
    put together with perforated paper, just waiting to tear.
    Get real, the whole lot of you. Your stupid idea will never work. What
    is the enforcement. NOT being credited by Micorosoft in their bulleting.
    Yeah, that's a REAL incentive that is. Not get a cute little plaque or
    cute little certificate stating you played by the rules? What exactly
    are you going to give all the people who slave over your shitware and
    find all the problems you intentionaly miss, intentionally because its
    too expensive to take that second look.
    Quit churning out shit, quit hording your money,  quit whining about
    the free research you continue to receive, quit pointing your weasel
    fingers every other way...
    - --
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