Trillian Remote DoS

From: flur (flurat_private)
Date: Fri Jul 04 2003 - 15:09:55 PDT

  • Next message: petard: "Re: [Full-Disclosure] MacOSX - crash screensaver locked with password and get the desktop back"

    Application:    Trillian
    Developer(s):   Cerulean Studios (
    Scope:          Remote DoS & Possible Exploit
    Tested on:      Trillian 1.0 Pro, 0.74 Freeware
    It is possible to crash Trillian by sending a corrupt 'TypingUser' message. 
    Replacing any of the characters in 'TypingUser' will cause Trillian to 
    crash. If more then 10 characters are used, or if the colon is omitted, 
    Trillian will not crash. The crash occurs due to a function within msn.dll 
    for both Trillian 1 and 0.74. This may be exploitable further.
    In order to exploit this condition, no code is necessary- simply hex edit 
    a  messenger client, replacing the string 'TypingUser' with any other 
    string of the same length (or simply changing a letter or two). However 
    this method of exploitation does break Microsoft's EULA/TOS, and you are 
    not encouraged to utilize a broken client in this way except in an 
    educational context. This 'hack' also prevents other non-trillian Messenger 
    clients from detecting when a user is typing.
    Crash Summary:
    MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX]  ; EDX is uninitialized
    The crash looks something like this:
    Instruction at 0x####8826 referenced memory at 0x00000000
    Sample TCP session to crash Trillian:
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
    TypingXxxx: attackerat_private
    Our preliminary tests showed that memory was not manipulable, and thus this 
    bug is not exploitable further then DoS. Please make further research 
    public if you discover otherwise.
    ____________________ __ _
    ~FluRDoInG                        flurat_private
    KEY ID 0x8C2C37C4 ( RSA-CAST 2048/2048
    1876 B762 F909 91EB 0C02  C06B 83FF E6C5 8C2C 37C4

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Fri Jul 04 2003 - 15:52:00 PDT