TerminatorX local root

From: andrewgat_private
Date: Wed Jul 09 2003 - 04:29:46 PDT

  • Next message: NGSSoftware Insight Security Research: "[VulnWatch] Microsoft Utility Manager Local Privilege Escalation"

    Program: terminatorX 3.80
    Impact: Users can gain local root
    Discovered: jaguar
    Writeup and exploits: Andrew Griffiths
    1) Background
       'terminatorX is a realtime audio synthesizer that allows you to "scratch" on
       digitally sampled audio data (*.wav, *.au, *.ogg, *.mp3, etc.) the way
       hiphop-DJs scratch on vinyl records. It features multiple turntables,
       realtime effects (buit-in as well as LADSPA plugin effects), a sequencer
       and MIDI interface - all accessible through an easy-to-use gtk+ GUI.'
       - from the terminatorx.cx website.
    2) Description
       terminatorX suffers from several potential local root exploits, due to
       a lack of input validation on the HOME and XLOCALEDIR enviroment vairables.
    3) Notes
       The problems can be exploited by supplying a larger than expected
       enviromental variables.
       enviromental variables.
       The frequently asked questions[1] state that if you prefer performance, you
       should make terminatorX suid. The author goes on to state that,
       "Immediatley after the creation of the thread terminatorX drops root
        privileges before any files or devices are accessed. The problem is:
        the Linux pthreads manager thread cannot be told to drop it's root
        privileges, which means that while the two threads executing terminatorX
        code run with the real user's privileges, the pthread manager thread still
        runs with root-privileges. While I cannot see how a malicious user or
        software could utlize this thread to acquire root privileges it might
        still be possible, so you'll have to make your on decision on performance
        vs security."
        Depending on the library version of gtk+, the standard method of making
        terminatorX suid will not work. If it does, some tricks need to be employed.
        To exploit this hole, there are various techniques you can use, which
        all come down to the fact there is no memory seperation between the root
        process and the user process. We decided the most elegant method of
        exploiting this would be to construct a shellcode which would overwrite
        the GOT entries, which in turn, traps all threads until we find the
        'interesting' thread.
        the GOT entries, which in turn, traps all threads until we find the
        'interesting' thread.
        The GOT entries would be overwritten with a value pointing behind the
        shellcode which was just run. This next section of shellcode has two duties,    detect if the thread it just caught was a priviliged thread, and depending
        on its status, either enter a loop, or continue on with the third part of
        the shellcode.
        The third part of the shellcode is a standard shellcode, ie, spawn a
        shell for us.
        To mitigate the risk, until a permenant fix becomes available, you can
        remove the suid status of the binary via chmod -s /path/to/terminatorX.
    4) Detection
        To test if you are vulnerable, you can trigger the bugs via,
        HOME=`perl -e 'printf "x" x 8000'` /path/to/terminatorX
        XLOCALEDIR=`perl -e 'printf "x" x 8000'` /path/to/terminatorX
        if you get a Segmentation Violation, it is vulnerable. To test if it has
        any impact, check the suid bit.
    5) Vendor status/notes/fixes/statements
       Both the author and mfurrat_private was contacted via email of the space of
       about 3 weeks, neither of which I recievd a response from.
    [1]     http://terminatorx.cx/faq

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