Denial of service in 3COM 812 DSL routers

From: David F.Madrid (conde0at_private)
Date: Wed Jul 23 2003 - 03:25:03 PDT

  • Next message: Arve Bersvendsen: "Vulnerability in the mail client in Opera 7.20 beta 1."

    Product affected : 3COM 812 OfficeConnect DSL routers_________________
    Firware affected :____________________________________________________
    2.0 ?_________________________________________________________________
    Description :_________________________________________________________
    OfficeConnect is a router widely used in the world . Just in Spain ,__
    Telefonica buy more than 100000 812 routers to 3COM until 2001 to_____
    deploy them in his ADSL lines ._______________________________________
    The router can be rebooted due to a flaw in its web administration____
    interface . As no athentication is needed , every LAN user can cause__
    a crash and reboot of the router , stoping internet connection for____
    one or two minutes . A remote user can exploit it if the web interface
    is available in the WAN interface of the router or if he can persuade_
    a user to click on a link in a forum or to visit a webpage ( as_______
    you can always access the web interface if the connection is local____
    initiated , as is from the web browser ) .____________________________
    I haven't tested this in another 812 router , but on mine the_________
    buffer that holds the complete HTTP request is of 512 bytes___________
    and is not checked if the lengh of the request is bigger than_________
    this limit , so to reboot the router you just have to connect
    to the web interface and send 512 bytes
    perl -e 'print "A"x512;print "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"' | netcat -v -n 80
    You can read this advisory in Spanish at
    Regards ,
    David F. Madrid ,
    Madrid , Spain

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