EEYE: Windows MIDI Decoder (QUARTZ.DLL) Heap Corruption

From: Derek Soeder (dsoederat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 23 2003 - 14:49:42 PDT

  • Next message: Vincent Danen: "[Full-Disclosure] MDKSA-2003:077 correction"

    Windows MIDI Decoder (QUARTZ.DLL) Heap Corruption
    Release Date:
    July 23, 2003
    High (Remote Code Execution)
    Systems Affected:
    Windows 98
    Windows 98 SE
    Windows Millennium Edition
    Windows NT 4.0
    Windows NT 4.0, Terminal Server Edition
    Windows 2000
    Windows XP
    Windows Server 2003
    A little over six hundred years ago, in a quaint German hamlet called
    Hamelin, the Pied Piper proved to the townsfolk that he could take control
    of their rodents and children with just a song.  Turns out the same thing
    works on Windows.
    Microsoft provides a component called QUARTZ.DLL that allows Windows
    applications to play MIDI music through a common  interface.  Windows Media
    Player and Internet Explorer, for example, both use QUARTZ.DLL to play MIDI
    music files (.mid  extension); in the case of Internet Explorer, MIDI files
    can be played automatically when a web page is visited through the use of a
    specific HTML tag.
    eEye Digital Security has discovered a pair of flaws in all versions of
    QUARTZ.DLL that would allow a specially-crafted MIDI file to cause the
    execution of arbitrary code when played.  In the worst case, an attacker
    could construct a malicious .mid  file and have it play automatically
    whenever a victim attempts to view certain HTML, such as an
    attacker-controlled website, resulting in the compromise of the victim's
    Technical Description:
    Modern folklore contends that some bands used to inject subliminal messages
    into their music by recording spoken commands or phrases and dubbing them
    backwards into the track.  Although these allegations and the effectiveness
    of the technique were  never proven conclusively, it is known that computers
    running a vulnerable version of QUARTZ.DLL will happily do whatever they're
    instructed to do without litigation, as long as the commands in the MIDI
    music are in machine language.
    The QUARTZ.DLL vulnerability discussed in this advisory is a heap buffer
    overrun resulting from an integer overflow.  If a Text or Copyright string
    with a specified length of FFFFFFFFh is included in the MIDI file, QUARTZ
    will attempt to allocate a  zero-byte heap block, then copy the text
    string -- and any data following it -- to the newly-allocated location in
    the heap.  As a result, all contiguous pages of heap memory following the
    zero-byte block are overwritten until either the source pointer reaches an
    invalid page boundary, the destination pointer reaches the end of heap
    memory, or another thread is dispatched and faults out trying to use
    corrupted heap memory.
    The reason this vulnerability exists is because QUARTZ increments the
    specified string length (in order to make room for a null terminator)
    without checking for a potential overflow condition.  The incremented value
    (now 0) is passed to LocalAlloc(), which succeeds, while the original value
    (FFFFFFFFh) is given to memcpy() to copy the string data from the file image
    into the heap buffer.
    For the sake of brevity, we have unfortunately omitted the details of the
    MIDI file format from this advisory, and will instead skip straight to the
    following example of a malicious MIDI:
        4D 54 68 64                 ; 'MThd' header chunk tag
        00 00 00 06                 ; size of header chunk data (6)
        00 01                       ; MIDI file version (1)
        00 01                       ; number of tracks (1)
        65 49                       ; pulses per quarter note (PPQN)
        4D 54 72 6B                 ; 'MTrk' track chunk tag
        00 00 00 10                 ; size of track chunk data (16)
        00                          ; delta-time for event (0)
           FF 02                    ; non-MIDI event (Copyright)
        8F FF FF FF 7F              ; VLQ for text length (FFFFFFFFh)
        65 45 79 65 32 30 30 33     ; (start of malicious data)
    There are many possible ways to exploit this overflow; the following is a
    sampling of instructions at which exceptions were observed in the aftermath
    of loading a malicious MIDI in Internet Explorer:
        CALL [EAX]                  ; we control EAX
        CALL [EAX+C4h]              ; we control EAX
        CALL [ECX+0Ch]              ; we control ECX
        JMP [EAX+28h]               ; we control EAX
        MOV [ECX], EAX              ; we control EAX, ECX
        MOV [ESI], ECX              ; we control ECX, ESI
    Of particular interest are "unlink" sequences such as "MOV [ECX], EAX / MOV
    [EAX+4], ECX", which could be used to overwrite the unhandled exception
    filter in KERNEL32 during the first instruction, then cause an exception
    with the second (for instance, if EAX pointed somewhere into read-only
    memory, or if EAX was near a page boundary such that EAX+4..7 landed in an
    invalid memory region).
    A second heap buffer overrun involving a 16-bit integer overflow and
    subsequent memory allocation was also discovered, but to save space we will
    only briefly mention it here.  The number of tracks in the MThd chunk, a
    16-bit field, is subjected to some arithmetic in order to determine the
    necessary size for an array of track data structures. In particular, the
    size of the block is calculated as:
        (number_of_tracks * 24h) + 9E0h
    However, the arithmetic is performed entirely in 16 bits, and as a result,
    setting the number of tracks to 1751 (6D7h) or greater will cause an
    insufficiently small heap block to be allocated.  This vulnerability can be
    leveraged to overwrite  DWORDs in the heap at specific intervals with
    arbitrary data.  Note that Windows 2003 is not susceptible to this
    vulnerability, as it contained a check to ensure that the number of tracks
    is never greater than the exact highest value safe for the 16-bit
    Vendor Status:
    Microsoft was contacted on April 16, 2003, and has released a patch for this
    vulnerability.  The patch is available at:
    This vulnerability has been assigned the CVE identifier CAN-2003-0346.
    Derek Soeder - eEye Digital Security
    6Ds; TJB, JC, MC, JAG, AH, JRJ, SMJ, JM, KP; Uma; and finally, Trust, when
    it's not spelled with a $.
    Copyright (c) 1998-2003 eEye Digital Security
    Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this alert
    electronically. It is not to be edited in any way without express consent of
    eEye. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this alert in any
    other medium excluding electronic medium, please email alertat_private for
    The information within this paper may change without notice. Use of this
    information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are
    NO warranties with regard to this information. In no event shall the author
    be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with
    the use or spread of this information. Any use of this information is at the
    user's own risk.
    Please send suggestions, updates, and comments to:
    eEye Digital Security

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