[Full-Disclosure] IISShield Mailing List

From: thalm (thalmat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 28 2003 - 13:05:58 PDT

  • Next message: Brett Moore: "Shattering SEH II"

    As a follow-up to the previous announcement, we provide a mailing list for all comments, suggestions, bugs focusing on IISShield.
    The mailing list can be found at:
    Your valuable input is most appreciated!
    Tiago Halm
    ============== IISShield ==============
    Type: ISAPI Filter
    License: Freeware
    We are proud to present IISShield, an Application Layer Firewall to protect
    IIS over the HTTP protocol layer.
    Today's Internet exposure must be protected at all levels. Application Layer
    Firewalls are an emerging technology providing a needed higher level of
    protection to Web Servers given the new class of attacks over the HTTP
    protocol layer.
    IISShield is an IIS ISAPI Filter preventing any known and unknown attacks
    from disrupting IIS. The preventive approach of IISShield is an added value
    preventing IIS from even trying to interpret requests trying to break-in.
    With a detailed logging engine, IISShield helps IIS administrators to know
    in advance and protect IIS from known or unknown HTTP attacks that flow over
    the Internet.
    The configuration is quite detailed giving the ability to precisely decide
    over what is accepted and what is not regarding the HTTP Layer.
    RFC Compliance is just one of the core features of IISShield offering an
    assurance of quality of service to the IIS Administrator.
    Technical comparison with another well known tool with similar capabilities
    is also provided outlining the powerfull capabilities of IISShield.
    - Instalation of this ISAPI Filter must be manually done at the WebServer
    - Download contains the following compressed files:
          - IISShield.dll (ISAPI Filter);
          - IISShield.ini (Configuration file as example);
          - config.htm (Detailed configuration manual);
    IISShield can be downloaded from http://www.kodeit.org/tools/iisshield.htm
    Comments are welcome!
    Tiago Halm
    Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
    Charter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Mon Jul 28 2003 - 13:42:11 PDT