[VulnWatch] Half-Life servers: buffer-overflow and freeze

From: Auriemma Luigi (aluigiat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 29 2003 - 11:32:32 PDT

  • Next message: Auriemma Luigi: "[VulnWatch] Half-Life clients: buffer-overflow"

    Applications: Half-Life (http://half-life.sierra.com)
    Versions: and previous versions (including all MODs 
                  based on the game, such as Counter-Strike and DoD)
         and of the free dedicated server
    Platforms:    Windows and Linux
    Bugs:         Remote buffer overflow and Denial of Service
    Risk          High
    Author:       Auriemma Luigi
                  Senior Security Researcher, PivX Solutions, LLC
                  e-mail: aluigiat_private
                  web:    http://www.pivx.com/luigi/
    1) Introduction
    2) Bugs resume
    3) Bugs details (long, unuseful and boring)
    4) The Code
    5) Fix
    6) Researcher's Philosophy
    1) Introduction
    Valve's Half-Life was released in 1998 but still remains as the worlds
    most popular FPS game.
    The success of the game is largely due to the overwhelming community
    support, which has spawned a range of MODs for the game - including
    the popular Counter-Strike MOD and Day Of Defeat.
    2) Bugs resume
    There is a buffer overflow in the Half-Life servers.
    Both the dedicated server and the game server are vulnerable.
    The only limitation in this buffer-overflow is that some bytes can not
    be used in the shellcode because they are delimiters or otherwise
    reserved for use by the Half-Life protocol. This puts some minor
    constraints on the execution of the remote code, but is far from
    Further, there is a Denial of Service vulnerability that completely
    freezes the server, entering it into an infinite loop.
    3) Bugs details (long, useless and boring)
    The following information is long, read only if you want some useless
    details on this vulnerability or simply if you want too appreciate all
    the time I have lost debugging this game, it has not been completely
    lost 8-)
    The first thing that I want to specify is that some bytes cannot be
    used to fully exploit the following buffer-overflow, so the code
    execution could theoretically be limited.
    The explanation of the bug is divided into 4 sections used to show the
    effects of the long string as parameter and value on the graphical game
    and on the dedicated server:
    BUG 1: buffer-overflow
    BUG 2: freeze (infinite loop)
    With parameter and value I mean:
     |    |
     |    value
    The problem happens because Half-Life uses other instructions if the
    total lenght of the string sent by the client is major than 256 bytes:
    cmp ecx, edi
    jl 00d3e687
    BUG 1: HLDS.EXE (parameter)
    First of all, I want to explain the buffer overflow that only occurs
    within the Half-Life dedicated server.
    During my explanation I will refer only to the exact addresses of the
    Half-Life dedicated server on Windows (hlds.exe from the retail
    The problem happens when a too long parameter is passed in the packet
    to join multiplayer matches sent by the client to the server and the
    following is an example in C language of the UDP packet plus a big
    parameter (that I have called PAYLOAD):
    #define PAYLOAD    [268 chars]
    #define BOF        "\xff\xff\xff\xff" \
    /* 1 */            "connect %d" \
    /* 2 */            " %s \"" \
                       "\\prot\\2" \
                       "\\unique\\-1" \
                       "\\raw\\00000000000000000000000000000000" \
                       "\" \"" \
                       "\\model\\" MODEL \
                       "\\topcolor\\" TOPCOLOR \
                       "\\bottomcolor\\" BOTTOMCOLOR \
                       "\\rate\\9999.000000" \
                       "\\cl_updaterate\\20" \
                       "\\cl_lw\\1" \
                       "\\cl_lc\\1" \
                       "\\cl_dlmax\\128" \
                       "\\hud_classautokill\\1" \
                       "\\name\\" NAME \
    /* 3 */            "\\" PAYLOAD "\\value" \
    1) the first "%d" is the protocol version supported by the server
    2) "%s" is the challenge key sent by the server previously
    3) PAYLOAD is a long string of 268 chars (268 are needed to overwrite
       the stored EBP and EIP registers in the stack, respectively at
       offset 260 and 264 of the PAYLOAD string)
    The dangerous code is located in the function at address 0xD3E3F0 of
    SWDS.DLL (address that in memory will become 0x63ce3f0, so if you want
    to debug it in real-time remember to add 0x5690000...).
    This function seems to be something similar to a strcpy() function but
    it is used ONLY with parameters, and it looks not only for NULL bytes
    but also for backslashes '\' in the parameters sent by the client.
    The problem however is located "exactly" in the loop that starts from
    address 0xD3E425 to 0xD3E432:
    :00D3E425 3C5C                    cmp al, 5C
    :00D3E427 740B                    je 00D3E434
    :00D3E429 8801                    mov byte ptr [ecx], al
    :00D3E42B 8A4601                  mov al, byte ptr [esi+01]
    :00D3E42E 41                      inc ecx
    :00D3E42F 46                      inc esi
    :00D3E430 3AC3                    cmp al, bl
    :00D3E432 75F1                    jne 00D3E425
    As you can see, this loop makes the following things:
    1) if the current byte in our string is equal to '\' the loop will be
    2) it stores the current byte in memory (buffer overflow)
    3) it gets the next byte from our string
    4) the pointer now points to the next memory position and next byte of
       the string
    5) if the current byte in our string is a NULL byte the loop will be
       broken (BL in our case is a NULL byte)
    In the meantime no instruction checks if the string/parameter passed by
    the client is too long for the local buffer, so our Half-Life server is
    in a very bad situation... In fact the previously stored EIP (that was
    equal to 0x63ce614) has been fully overwritten by our string.
    BUG 1: HL.EXE (parameter)
    :01D3E425 3C5C                    cmp al, 5C
    :01D3E427 740B                    je 01D3E434
    :01D3E429 8801                    mov byte ptr [ecx], al
    :01D3E42B 8A4601                  mov al, byte ptr [esi+01]
    :01D3E42E 41                      inc ecx
    :01D3E42F 46                      inc esi
    :01D3E430 3AC3                    cmp al, bl
    :01D3E432 75F1                    jne 01D3E425
    (The executable seems to decode itself in memory at runtime or something
    BUG 2: HLDS.EXE (value)
    A similar problem happens in the value field, for example inserting the
    PAYLOAD as value of a normal parameter, like (C language):
    "\\parameter\\" PAYLOAD
    In the dedicated server (SWDS.DLL) after the vulnerable loop that
    checks the parameter (0xD3E425 as seen previously) there is another
    loop that instead checks the value of the parameters.
    This loop goes from 0xD3E45B to 0xD3E468:
    :00D3E45B 3C5C                    cmp al, 5C
    :00D3E45D 740B                    je 00D3E46A
    :00D3E45F 8801                    mov byte ptr [ecx], al
    :00D3E461 8A4601                  mov al, byte ptr [esi+01]
    :00D3E464 41                      inc ecx
    :00D3E465 46                      inc esi
    :00D3E466 3AC3                    cmp al, bl
    :00D3E468 75F1                    jne 00D3E45B
    This loop copies our string/value to another buffer in memory that is
    located before the buffer used to store the parameter.
    The stack of these functions is similar to the following:
    0x415df94      0x415e094               0x415e19c
    Fortunately Half-Life can accept only values minor/equal than 380 chars
    (parameters limit is minor than 380), so the string to use to exploit
    the server is limited and cannot reach the position in memory where is
    stored the EIP value.
    Practical resuming:
    - The function that checks the value uses a buffer that starts from the
      memory position: 0x415df94
    - The function that checks the parameter uses a buffer that starts from
      the memory position: 0x415e094
    - EIP is stored at position: 0x415e19c
    So: 0x415df94 + 0x17c = 0x415E110 (that is 140 bytes minor than the
    position of the stored EIP in memory)
    However the problem is not finished here because a buffer-overflow 
    doesn't exist in the value, but a good Denial of Service does exist.
    In fact, the effect in the Half-Life dedicated server is an infinite
    loop in SWDS.DLL, from the memory address 0x63ce60d (0xD3E60D) to
    0x63ce645 (0xD3E645).
    This function simply makes an infinite check of the same string given
    by the user, this is the simple cause of the DoS.
    BUG 2: HL.EXE (value)
    The problem is the same in HLDS.EXE
    The only things that change are the offsets of the checking function
    because the vulnerable loop is in HL.EXE and in memory it starts from
    0x01d3e60d to 0x01d3e645:
    :01D3E60D 57                      push edi
    :01D3E60E 56                      push esi
    :01D3E60F E8DCFDFFFF              call 01D3E3F0 <-- vulnerable function
    :01D3E643 84C0                    test al, al
    :01D3E645 75C6                    jnz 01D3E60D
    NOTE: the same things happen on the Linux dedicated server too.
          However I have noted a difference between the and the
          latest versions of the dedicated server where seems that the
          buffer-overflow in the parameter cause an infinite loop...
    4) The Code
    The proof-of-concept exploit is very simple, and acts partly as a DoS
    and a code execution exploit.
    The return address is overwritten with the offset of a function in
    SWDLL.DLL that displays a message in the console of the dedicated
    server, after which it crashes.
    This approach was chosen to demonstrate actual code execution without
    endangering the administrator, enabling the admin to easily verify
    whether the server is vulnerable.
    The POC exploit can be used against both the dedicated and the game
    servers, overwriting the stored address with 0x063c27f5.
    It can be compiled on both Windows and Unix and can test both the
    buffer-overflow in the parameter (code-execution) and in the value
    5) Fix
    Valve was notified of this vulnerability on April 14 2003, and replied
    that they were working to patch these bugs.
    Since that last point of contact, Valve and it's representatives have
    been contacted on multiple occasions for a status update on the patch,
    without any replies.
    I have found a little work-around to the problem (just a jump).
    Practically I avoid that the data sent by the client will be managed by
    the vulnerable functions if it is longer than 256 bytes.
    I don't have the source code of the game and I'm not a Valve's
    programmer so this is just a personal and simple work-around that I
    have tested which seems not to have any problems.
    Feel free to try it until an official patch will be provided and please
    let me know if there are problems:
    Half-Life dedicated server (retail game):
    Half-Life dedicated server for Windows:
    5) Researcher's Philosophy
    Be free.
    The researchers' community needs your reversing, your programs, and
    your research. Never let your passion die and don't stop your work!
    Full and responsible disclosure can lead to a quick fix, and prevent a
    problem before it gets into the wrong hands.
    About PivX Solutions
    PivX Solutions, is a premier network security consultancy offering a
    myriad of network security services to our clients.
    For more information go to http://www.PivX.com

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