Just to advise you that the I-Worm.Magistr, PE_MAGISTR.A, W32.Magistr@mm virus is active again. OVERVIEW W32.Magistr.24876@mm is a virus that has email worm capability. It is also network aware. It infects Windows Portable Executable (PE) files, with the exception of .dll system files, and sends email messages to addresses that it gathers from the Outlook/Outlook Express mail folders (.dbx, .mbx), the sent items file from Netscape, and Windows address books (.wab), which are used by mail clients such as Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Express,. The email message may have up to two attachments, and it has a randomly generated subject line and message body. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For additional information please visit: http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.magistr.24876@private Regards, Jeffrey B. Korte, Information and Physical Security Manager FirstConsumers National Bank Voice: 503.520.8398 Fax: 503.520.7941 Pager: 503.921.3105 The information contained in this E-mail message may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, any dissemination, distribution or copying is strictly prohibited.
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