A Question about Bio-Terrorism

From: Jeffrey_Korte/HR/FCNB/Spgla@private
Date: Thu Oct 11 2001 - 13:03:59 PDT

  • Next message: media.portland1@private: "Re: Halloween/Mall email"

    Not to be a chicken-little, the sky is falling, over zealous alarmist, does
    anyone in the group know if their company has addressed bio-chemical mail
    attacks?  I'm wondering how many companies have something in place to deal
    with this issue.
    The  events  in  Florida  obviously  raise  questions  of how companies can
    provide  adequate  security  to  detect  (if  at  all)  mail  laced  with a
    bio-chemical agent and protect their employees.
    Thoughts?  Or am I thinking too much about this?
    Jeffrey B. Korte,
    Information and Physical Security Manager
    FirstConsumers National Bank
    Voice: 503.520.8398
    Fax: 503.520.7941
    Pager: 503.921.3105
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