Re: RIAA Wants to Hack Your PC

From: Crispin Cowan (crispin@private)
Date: Tue Oct 16 2001 - 13:23:18 PDT

  • Next message: The Berean: "Is EVERYTHING off-topic? :D was (RE: RIAA wants to hack your PC)"

    The Berean wrote:
    >Ok this is just going a BIT too far.  It's hard to sympathize with the
    >record industry when they exploit the terrorism crisis, to promote an
    >attache to the bill that would normally be considered illegal (hacking)
    While I agree with your sentiment, it has also been widely reported (on 
    the front page of Slashdot) that this proposal has been dropped
    I also find it IMHO to be off-topic for CRIME.  George? Could we get a 
    re-statement on the charter for this mailing list? I don't know if I've 
    ever seen one.
    >Frank Pagano (The Berean)
    >Owner of C-SQUAD (
    Has it occurred to you that a Flash-driven web site is not exactly 
    compatible with computer security? :-)
    Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.
    Chief Scientist, WireX Communications, Inc.
    Security Hardened Linux Distribution:
    Available for purchase:

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