RE: Syslog buffer overflow

From: Toby Kohlenberg (toby@private)
Date: Fri Oct 19 2001 - 19:39:45 PDT

  • Next message: Heidi: "RE: Syslog buffer overflow"

    On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, Heidi wrote:
    > Toby, yes, this is from Cisco router ACL (syslog).  The data just repeats
    > itself for a couple of hours. Perhaps a DoS aimed at the syslog port due to
    > the timestamps and multiple attempts with one packet? I.E., an attacker
    > attempting to deny bandwidth by taking out a router.  It appears the
    > attacker is trying to identify the syslog server to attempt DoS or to gain
    > root access.  Thank you for your input.
    > Heidi
    I don't think you have enough information to assume it is a. intentional
    or b. malicious. Without the actual packets, or at least the headers from
    them, you have no data regarding the purpose or stimulus for the
    traffic. This could be the result of someone spoofing you and attacking
    your traffic's source. If it got blocked at your firewall, acknowledge it,
    file it for future reference if necessary and don't spend any more time
    on it.
    > No. you would be correct in identifying it as traffic attempting to go to
    > port 514 being denied at your router. IIRC, the 100-series ACLs on Ciscos
    > (this looks like the log format from a Cisco, am I correct?) are purely
    > port and protocol based.
    > Assuming anything about the intent of the traffic without a bunch more
    > data would be unwise.
    > Toby
    > On Tue, 16 Oct 2001, Heidi wrote:
    > > By noting UDP port 514 in this log, would I be correct in identifying it
    > as
    > > a Syslog butter overflow attack?
    > >
    > > Oct 16 08:08:32 rt0 10588: rd20h: %SEC-6- IPACCESSLOGP: LIST 102 denied
    > udp
    > >>external.server(514), 2 packets
    > > Oct 16 08:16:23 rt0 10597: 4d11h: %SEC-6-IPACCESSLOGP: list 102 denied udp
    > > -> external server(514), 1 packet
    > > Oct 16 08:34:33 rt0 10629: rd11h: #SEC-6-IPACCESSLOGP: list 102 denied udp
    > > (2976) -> external.server (514), 1 packet
    > >
    > > Thank you,
    > > Heidi Henry
    > > mcps@private
    > >

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