Re: Syslog buffer overflow

From: Wil Cooley (wcooley@private)
Date: Sat Oct 20 2001 - 08:56:15 PDT

  • Next message: Mike Ellsworth: "RE: Web site cert used as a countdown timer to 9/11 attacks?"

    Also Sprach Heidi:
    > Toby, thank you very much for your input.  I am just learning this
    > as you can probably tell, so I really do appreciate your taking the
    > time to respond to my questions.  Thank you and have a great weekend,
    > Heidi Henry
    If you're just learning, there's a new list called 'loganalysis'
    at that would likely prove useful.  Hm, for some
    reason it doesn't seem to show up on their list page on their web
    site.  Must be an omission.  At any rate, here's there subscribe
    info, you should be able to figure it out from here:
    To unsubscribe, e-mail: loganalysis-unsubscribe@private
    For additional commands, e-mail: loganalysis-help@private
    W. Reilly Cooley                           wcooley@private
    Naked Ape Consulting                                           #orlug,#pdxlug,#lnxs
    "There was a vague, unpleasant manginess about his appearence; he somehow
    seemed dirty, though a close glance showed him as carefully shaven as an
    actor, and clad in immaculate linen."
    -- H.L. Mencken, on the death of William Jennings Bryan

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