Stopping Hackers at the ISP

From: Greg Fry (gfry10@private)
Date: Mon Oct 22 2001 - 17:53:01 PDT

  • Next message: Kinzer, Don: "RE: Stopping Hackers at the ISP"

    	I often capture all activity occurring on my network
    and analyze it 
    to see who is trying what.  Often there are lots of
    machines out there scanning 
    and attempting to exploit known (but plugged) holes. 
    I've been thinking about 
    starting an effort to force ISPs to notify clients
    that are doing such things, 
    that they are known and will be "cut-off" if any
    future activity occurs.  The 
    ISPs would make these notifications based on other
    clients indicating that 
    inappropriate activity is being directed against their
    	This would accomplish two things:  1) Cut down on
    some of those people 
    that are trying to compromise other peoples systems. 
    And  2) Allow those people 
    whose systems are being used without their knowledge
    to further spread viruses 
    (such as the codered on IIS - many IIS managers didn't
    even know that their 
    machines were actively spreading it), to be notified
    so they can more quickly 
    do something about it.
    	Comments are welcome, but please keep them short.  If
    you think this is 
    a good idea and would like to help push it forward,
    let me know.  If you have 
    some concerns why there might be problems with this,
    I'd be glad to hear from 
    you also.  But keep it short in either case.
    	I have contacted Verizon's ISP department and
    suggested something similar 
    to them, but have not heard back from them.
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