New variant of Nimda

From: victoria.evans@private
Date: Tue Oct 30 2001 - 17:44:55 PST

  • Next message: Wil Cooley: "Re: NIPC Daily Report, 30 October 2001"

    Does anyone have proxy log files or traces for the new variation of Nimda?
    Novell needs the actual traces to add the signatures for the new files (
    HTTPODBC.DLL,SAMPLE.EXE and SAMPLE.EML) to the proxy.cfg for Border
    Manager.  I'm told they're going to have some automatic update capabilities
    very soon that won't require manual configuration of the proxy.cfg, but
    until that's completed and released we're relying on the proxy.cfg.  I
    don't have a trace to send them and they can't update the cfg with just the
    file names or extensions.  Can anyone help?
    Vikki Evans
    U.S. Bank
    Threat and Vulnerability Management
    Information Security Services

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