CRIME Meeting Next Tues, 11 Dec@10am@Airtouch

From: George Heuston (georgeh@private)
Date: Tue Dec 04 2001 - 10:06:37 PST

  • Next message: Steve Layman: "Re: CRIME 'Hi' Virus. Be Vigilant!"

    Dave Aucsmith, Intel, will be addressing our group next Tuesday.  Here's his
    "I'll be happy to speak...I'll cover state, federal, and
    international activities on cyber security, and related topics.  I'll send
    you a better abstract as soon as I can.
    Dave A."
    See you all there!  Here are the directions to the site:
    BTW, Tony Scheeland indicated that he's been hit by the "Hi" w32/goner worm
    120 times in the last hour.

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