(no subject)

Date: Wed Dec 31 1969 - 16:00:00 PST

  • Next message: Alan: "Re: CRIME Article on Magic Lantern from ZDNET"

    According to a friend who is dealing with a "support services" for the AT&T 
    Broadband switchover.
    The AT&T support people (probably Stream employees) are telling customers to 
    turn off their firewalls before connecting to the network!  
    She was told that using a firewall on the network was "not supported" and 
    that she had to turn it off or they would not help her.
    Not so coincidently, I am seeing reports of increased scans of the worm-like 
    type from attbi.com networks.
    Since AT&T is having a hard time getting their networks up, expect a slow 
    rise in virus attacks over the next few weeks.
    And since they refuse to assign fixed IPs at AT&T, blocking by IP address is 
    a short term solution.
    Now you know why they have the Death Star as their corporate logo...

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